General description
- Setting up a new Purchase Invoices - workflow and ledger solution and permissions
- Accounts payable, travel expense management, and/or mobile application as additional features in the new workflow solution
- Adding accounts payable to workflow purchase invoices afterwards
- Implementing the Payments of Travel Claims
- Purchase invoice settings if Heeros accounting is implemented
See all 8 articlesGeneral settings
See all 8 articlesOther settings
Processing purchase invoices
- Processing an incoming purchase invoice
- Invoice postings
- Credit notes, cash discount invoices and direct debit invoices
- Changing the supplier and bank account number on the invoice
- Review and approval of purchase invoices and mass transfer
- Default accounting assignments (automatic accounting postings)
Processing travel claims
- Creation and saving of travel invoice
- Daily allowances
- Kilometric Compensation
- Other expense
- Quick creation of travel invoice
- Travel expense payments
Ledger payments
Transferring, deleting and restoring invoices
- Transfer and return of invoices to Purchase ledger
- Transfer and Return of Invoices to Accounting
- Transfer and Return of Payments to Accounting
- Automatic transfers of purchase invoices from Heeros to accounting
- Transfer and return of travel Invoices
- Transfer and return of invoices to the archive
- Open invoices report
- Purchase invoice journal
- Travel expense journal
- Payment estimate report
- Payment diary
- Site keys report