Creating supplier data individually
Basic information
Bank accounts
Additional information
Import information
Importing data to Supplier Register
Exporting suppliers from Register
New suppliers are automatically created in the Suppliers register during the processing of invoices with interpretation and accounting solutions, or during the import of invoices from Link. Therefore, importing suppliers or creating them individually is not necessary. However, the program's performance is improved if the supplier register is already mostly created. Supplier information can be imported into Purchase Invoices, for example, when establishing a new company as a csv file or each supplier can be created individually.
If an external accounts payable is in use, importing the supplier register helps maintain consistent supplier identifiers in the accounts payable and Purchase Invoices. The data from the Suppliers register can also be transferred to another basic system.
Suppliers can also be defined
- desired default approval process
- is the withholding register information valid
- the end date of the withholding register information.
Creating Supplier Information Individually
- Go to the Registers – Suppliers view
- Click the New button
- The supplier information is divided into three tabs; Basic Information, Bank Accounts, and Additional Information.
- Fill in the required information in the tabs and finally save by clicking the Save button.
Basic Information
The program automatically populates the Code field with the next available client code if the client codes have been defined in the general settings. Each supplier must have its own code, and the same code must not be used for multiple suppliers.
Definition of the next free Client code in the settings: Settings – General – Other Settings
Enter the official name of the company. Special characters, such as commas, dots, and apostrophes are not allowed. There can only be one supplier with the same name per supplier register.
Business ID
Enter the company's Y-code in the format 1234567-8 (7 digits + hyphen + check number). The same Y-code is allowed for multiple different suppliers (e.g., the City of Helsinki and its various units).
For a supplier (e.g., an individual), another identifier can be provided if necessary, which is not the Y-code. If the information provided in the field deviates from the format of the Y-code, the program will indicate an incorrect Y-code. However, the given identifier can still be saved by clicking the Ok button.
Select whether the supplier is domestic or foreign. Domestic nationality checks that the bank account is in a domestic format. If the supplier is from any country other than Finland, select Foreign and specify the supplier's country in the next section (Country Code).
Country Code
The default country for suppliers is set to FI (Finland). If the company is from a different country than Finnish, select the correct country from the Country Code dropdown menu.
Mailing Address/Postcode and -Locality
Enter the Mailing Address in the designated field along with the postcode and locality in their respective fields. If the Purchase Invoices accounts payable is in use, the information may be mandatory depending on the country of the payee.
Additionally, if you wish, you can complete the basic information with the company's phone and fax number, as well as the company's website and email address.
Additional Information
This field can be used to store additional and contact information related to the company, for example. The supplier's additional information will not appear on the invoice.
Copy to supplier invoices – NOT IN USE
Bank Accounts
All bank accounts reported by the supplier should be written on the supplier's Bank Accounts tab for barcode identification. A total of 10 fields are available for bank accounts.
Bank 1/ Bank 2 …
Enter the supplier's bank account numbers, with each on its own line. When you move to the next field, the Swift/BIC information will automatically populate for domestic bank account numbers. For foreign bank accounts, this information must be filled in manually.
The same bank account number is allowed for multiple different suppliers.
If the bank account's swift/BIC field did not fill in automatically, click on the field's dropdown menu and select from the available Swift/BIC listings.
Additional Bank Information
If you are making payments outside the SEPA area, you may need to complete additional bank information to process the payment. Check with your bank what information is required to make the payment. For example, when making payments to the USA, you usually need both the Clearing code and the bank's name and address details, as well as the country code. You also need to select the cost sharing code. By default, SHA (Shared costs) is selected.
Additional Information
Various default information can also be provided for the supplier: default expense accounts, payment terms, cost units, accounting objects, direct debit, and currency, as well as defining whether the withholding tax register information is valid.
Cost Units
Please select the cost units to be used as defaults for the supplier. The program will then provide the specified cost unit by default on the invoice from that supplier. NOTE! Cost units must be established in the Registers – Chart of Accounts view.
Default Currency
Select the currency to be used by default for the supplier. The program will then provide this default currency on the invoice for the specified supplier.
NOTE! The currency to be used by default must be defined in the general settings (Settings – General – Currencies).
Default Payment Term
Select the payment term to be used by default for the supplier. The program will then offer the specified payment term on the invoices for that supplier.
NOTE! Payment terms must be established in the Settings – Payment Terms view.
Default Cost Unit
Select the cost unit to be used as a default for the supplier. The program will then offer this cost unit by default on the invoice from the specified supplier.
NOTE! Cost units must be established in the Registers – Cost Units view.
Default Accounting Items
Select the accounting items to be used by default for the supplier. The program will then use the specified accounting item by default on that supplier's invoice.
NOTE! The type of the accounting item must be defined in the settings (General – Accounting Assignments). Additionally, the accounting items must be defined in the Registers – Accounting Items view.
Accounts Payable
Select the default accounts payable account to be used for the supplier. The program will then provide the specified accounts payable account by default on the supplier's invoice. If no accounts payable account is defined for the supplier and the field is left blank, the accounts payable account will be retrieved from the general settings.
NOTE! The accounts payable account must be defined in the general settings (Settings - General - Accounts) and in the chart of accounts (Registers - Chart of Accounts).
Default account in accounts payable transfer
You can define whether the supplier's invoices in accounts payable transfers should be marked with the default accounts payable account given to the supplier.
Yes option automatically assigns the specified accounts payable account to the invoices in accounts payable transfers (used in some integrations)
No option does not automatically assign the specified accounts payable account to the invoices in accounts payable transfers (used in some integrations).
Direct Debit
If the invoices from this supplier are always direct debit invoices, the invoices can be set by default as direct debit invoices. By clicking the checkbox in front of the Direct Debit field, all invoices from this supplier will be automatically marked as direct debit invoices.
Accounting Assignment
You can define how the sum of the accounting assignment lines for the invoices from the specified supplier is handled by default.
Gross selection always provides a gross amount by default (amount + VAT)
Net selection always provides a net amount by default (amount excluding VAT).
Are default accounting assignments created when importing invoices
You can specify whether an accounting assignment is automatically created for this supplier's invoices when the invoices are imported into Purchase Invoices. Additionally, a cost unit must also be specified for this supplier.
Yes selection will suggest a default accounting assignment for that supplier
No selection will not suggest any accounting assignment for that supplier
NOTE! The creation of default accounting assignments must also be allowed in the Heeros Link settings (Heeros Link: Settings – Invoice Import - Should default accounting assignments be created after invoice import)
Default Approval Process
Select the approval process to be used by default for the supplier. The program will then provide the specified approval process by default on the invoice from that supplier.
NOTE! Approval processes must be established in the Settings – Approval Processes view.
Prepayment Register Information Valid
You can specify for this supplier whether the prepayment register information is valid.
Yes selection indicates that the supplier has a valid prepayment register information
No selection indicates that there is no valid prepayment information for the supplier.
End date of withholding tax register information
If the withholding tax register information for the respective supplier is valid, you can set an end date for the withholding tax register. Click the calendar icon in the field and select the correct end date.
Import Information
The file to be imported with purchase invoices must have the column names (headers) on the first line. The order of the columns is free. Mandatory columns are Supplier Identifier and Name. Other columns are optional. The data must be saved in semicolon-separated csv file format (csv list separator). After importing the file, you will receive a list of new suppliers as well as those that encountered an error.
Note the following in imports:
- If the supplier's name contains disallowed characters (e.g., Slash), the program will remove them during the file import process.
- If the supplier's account number is in BBAN format in the file, the program will automatically update the account to IBAN format.
- The supplier ID can be alphanumeric, provided that it is allowed in the general settings (Settings – General – Other settings: Client codes - contains letters). Without this setting, the client code must be numeric.
Importing Suppliers into the Register
- Go to Registers – Suppliers view
- Click the Register upkeep button in the opened view
- Define the information for supplier imports
Select csv file
Click the Browse button and choose the csv file to be imported from the storage directory.
Character Set
Select the character set to be used during import from the drop-down list. The selected character set must be the same as the one with which your file was created – by default, ISO-8859-1.
If the supplier is already in the system
Select whether to update the existing suppliers in the Accounts Payable or to leave the already existing supplier information unchanged.
- Refresh: update existing suppliers in the registry and also create new suppliers
- Skip: does not update existing suppliers but only creates new suppliers.
When you click the Load button, the selected csv file is retrieved into the register. A report is generated from the import, showing the import settings, successful imports, and detailed information on failed imports along with error messages (the reason for the error is noted).
Exporting Suppliers from Register
If needed, the information from the Suppliers register of Purchase Invoices can be transferred to another core system.
- Go to the Registers – Suppliers view
- Click the Register upkeep button at the top of the opened view
- Specify whether to add apostrophes to the file's cells
- Upload suppliers to the Excel file by clicking the Load button
- Save the file to your desired target directory and import it into the operational system.
Download Purchase Invoice Supplier Information as a CSV File to Your Computer
When you click the Load button in that field, the suppliers will be saved to a CSV file that can be opened in Excel. Note! The settings in your Excel may remove data from the columns, e.g., leading zeros from postal codes.
Should a quote mark be added at the beginning and end of the cell data?
You can choose whether to mark the data in the cells of the file exported from Purchase Invoices to the basic system with quote marks. The quote mark preserves any leading zeros in the cell data, such as in postal codes, supplier numbers, etc.
Apostrophe in use: leading zeros of the postal code are retained (00180).
Apostrophe not in use: leading zeros of the postal code are removed (00180 -> 180).
You can download an example file from the bottom of the registry upkeep - client management page