Interfaces - Importing Invoices
Interfaces - Accounting (OR-Purchase Invoices)
General Information on Interfaces
Interfaces tabs define the information related to the import of invoices used by the company, as well as the accounting, purchase ledger, and payroll Interfaces. The Interfaces section is divided into different tabs: Invoice Import, Accounting, Purchase ledger and Payroll.
You can read more detailed information about the implemented connections here:
- Integrations related to Purchase Invoices
- Purchase ledger Integrations in Purchase Invoices
- Payroll Integrations in Purchase Invoices
Interfaces - Invoice Import
This tab defines additional features related to the import of both recycling and purchase ledger Purchase Invoices. The settings on this tab may not require any action. Navigate to Settings – General – Interfaces section and complete the information in the opened window if necessary.
Purchase Invoices Interface
Users of recycled Purchase Invoices who use OpusCapita as their payment interface for purchase invoices should select Opus Capita from the dropdown menu. If users of recycled Purchase Invoices are using another payment interface for purchase invoices, the field should be left empty.
Should account entry lines be created from Finvoice / TEAPPS: -field defines whether account entry lines are also imported from Finvoice when retrieving Finvoice invoices.
- With the Yes setting, accounting lines are created for all imported invoices from the Finvoice message if the invoice message contains accounting information.
- With the No setting, no accounting lines are created for any imported invoice from the Finvoice message, even if the invoice message does contain accounting information.
Note! Creating accounting lines from Finvoice requires that the invoice supplier has provided an accounting proposal (expense account and/or cost center) in the invoice line in the xml file or that Opentext adds the accounting information to the invoice according to a specified indicator and maintenance table. The value of the Heeros Link Invoice Import settings affects this Purchase ledger setting. For more information about the settings in Heeros Link that affect Finvoice accounting, read more here.
Responsible person for scheduled invoices field allows invoices received in the Purchase Invoices section to be directed to a specific person. This person must have administrator rights to Purchase Invoices (basic users do not have the right to advance the invoice through the review process).
If the Responsible Person… field is empty, incoming invoices will be directed under the name provided in the Heeros Link settings, for example "Received invoices".
Is the default inspection cycle for the vendor of the imported invoice used – Not in use
Supplier File - The selection applies only to customers using the Baan, Jeeves, and V10 systems.
Interfaces - Accounting (OR-Purchase Invoices)
Companies using purchase invoice accounts payable must complete the accounting interfaces (for purchase invoices/payments) and settings related to the transfer file. Go to the Interfaces tab in the Accounting section and fill in the information in the window that opens.
Accounting - Purchase Invoices
Select the accounting interface for purchase invoices. The latest version of the interface is always used by default. The program automatically assigns a default name to the file. If you want to change the default file name, you can create it in the Free text fields.
Free text – File name
Any free text can be written in the first field.
From the first dropdown menu, you can choose whether to add nothing, an underscore, or a hyphen to the name.
In the second dropdown menu, you can choose whether to add a date to the name and in which format.
From the third dropdown menu, you can choose whether to add nothing, an underscore, or a hyphen to the name.
In the fourth dropdown menu, you can choose whether to add a date to the name and in which format.
Any free text can be written in the second and third fields.
Additionally, define whether a Zip file (Should the transfer file be compressed into a ZIP file?). Depending on the interface, there will always be either one or more transfer files to be transferred to the accounting. By selecting the Zip file option, you can determine whether to compress the aforementioned files into a single file. If you are using an interface that generates multiple files, saving to a Zip file makes it easier to extract the data into the target directory.
- Yes selection compresses the transfer file into a Zip file. Recommended when there are multiple files.
- No selection does not compress the transfer file data, but sends the data as individual files to accounting.
Consolidation of expense entries selection allows you to influence the transfer of multiple posting lines on the invoice. If consolidation is used, the interface must also support consolidation exports.
- All selection consolidates all line items of an invoice into one for the same account’s cost center, accounting objects, and VAT.
- No summary rows – selection transfers each line as a separate entry in the accounting.
VAT entries field affects whether a VAT-inclusive (gross) or VAT-exclusive (net) amount is transferred to the accounting. The gross selection transfers the amount that includes VAT, and the net selection only transfers the invoice amount without VAT, and the VAT line as its own entry in the accounting.
If the VAT export field is set to Net, the setting Are the VATs transferred as totals must be specified. Selecting Yes for the total option combines the same VAT lines of the invoice, while selecting No exports the VAT lines of the invoice as separate lines to the base system.
Note! If you are using Heeros Accounting, the setting must always be selected as gross, regardless of the accounting settings. The accounting calculates the final VAT according to the VAT method defined in the general settings on the VAT tab. If the accounting settings have selected the net method, the accounting will remove the VAT portion from the gross amount imported from Purchase Invoices during the entry process. Read more about the accounting VAT settings here.
Accounting - Travel Expenses
If travel expense reports are managed in the travel expense ledger, the travel expenses will be transferred to the accounting after payment. Select the interface for travel expense reports as well.
Accounting - Performances
Select the accounting interface for transactions as well and specify the corresponding information, such as for purchase invoices. If you also have a travel expense ledger, the related information should also be displayed and completed.
Interfaces - Accounts Payable
This tab defines the settings related to the accounts payable Interface (for purchase invoices/payments) and the transfer file. Depending on whether you are using Purchase Invoice Recycling or Accounts Payable Conversion, the information on this tab will be different.
Go to the Interfaces– Purchase ledger tab and complete the information in the opened window. Finally, save the information by clicking the Save button.
If you are using the Purchase Invoices purchase ledger, the integration of the purchase ledger will automatically apply to the Purchase Invoices field (the purchase ledger has been selected for the company in Heeros Menu).
If you are using Purchase Invoice workflow and an external ledger system, the information on the tab needs to be completed.
Select the interface for the accounts payable and the possible sub-type of the interface for purchase invoices. Define whether a Zip file will be used for the transfers. Depending on the interface, there will always be either one or more transfer files to be transferred to the accounting. By selecting the Zip file option, you can specify whether the aforementioned files should be compressed into a single file. If you are using an interface that generates multiple files, saving to a Zip file will facilitate the extraction of the material to the target directory.
- Yes selection compresses the transfer file into a Zip file. Recommended if there are multiple files.
- No selection does not compress the transfer file data, but sends the data as individual files to accounting.
The file to be transferred must also be given a name.
In the VAT Exports field, it affects whether the amount with VAT (gross) or the amount without VAT (net) is transferred to accounting. The gross option transfers the amount that includes VAT, while the net option transfers only the invoice amount without VAT + the VAT line as its own entry to accounting. If VAT Exports is set to Net, the setting Are VATs transferred as totals? will appear. Choosing Yes for totals groups the same VAT lines of the invoice together, and choosing No transfers the invoice VAT lines as separate entries to the core system.
Also specify whether the document number is transferred and if it is added to the description. The settings can also include the Accounts Payable company identifier, and it is decided whether to verify the postings in transfers and whether to transfer the amounts in euros or in the currency of the invoice.
Interfaces - Payroll
Payroll (expense reports without travel expense management)
This tab must be completed if travel expenses are in use. Go to the Interfaces – Construction interface tab and fill in the information in the opened window. The information to be completed varies depending on the payroll connection. Finally, save the information by clicking the Save button.
Payroll Integration
Select the payroll integration for travel expenses from the dropdown menu for the respective field.
Note! If you are using Tikon's payroll, the payroll file must be retrieved in Tikon using the option Other Retrieval. The latest version of the integration is always used.
File name
Once you have selected the connection on the corresponding tab, the program will automatically provide a default file name. If you want to change the default file name, you can create it in the Free text fields.
Free text – File name
In the first field, you can write free text.
From the first dropdown menu, you can choose to have nothing, an underscore, or a hyphen in the name.
From the second dropdown menu, you can choose whether to add a date to the name and in what format.
From the third dropdown menu, you can choose to have nothing, an underscore, or a hyphen in the name.
From the fourth dropdown menu, you can choose whether to add a date to the name and in what format..
You can write free text in the second and third fields.
Should the transfer file be compressed into a ZIP file?
Depending on the interface, always one or more transfer files are created to be sent to payroll processing. By selecting the ZIP file option, you can determine whether the mentioned files will be compressed into a single file. If you are using an interface that generates multiple files, saving to a ZIP file makes it easier to extract the materials into the target directory.
Yes - selection compresses the transfer file into a Zip file (recommended when there are multiple files)
No - selection does not compress the transfer file data, but instead sends the data as individual files to the basic system.
Is the transfer of unaccounted items allowed
Select whether to allow the transfer of unaccounted expense reports to payroll.
Other expenses can also be transferred from travel expense reports
In addition to mileage allowances and per diem, other expenses can also be transferred from travel expense reports (Yes/No).
The information is finally saved by clicking the Save button. NOTE! You can fill out all the tabs in the General Settings before clicking the Save button.