New Travel Invoice
Automatically Filled Information for Travel Invoice
Information to Complete
Travel Invoice Costs
Saving the Travel Invoice
New Travel Invoice
- Click the New Travel Invoice option in the left view OR go to the Travel Invoices – Approval Pending view and click the New Travel Invoice button
- Complete the details for the new travel invoice
- Forward the invoice for review to the approver
Automatically Populated Information on Travel Invoice
Invoice Date
The date of the invoice is automatically set to the date of creation of the travel invoice report. This information can be changed.
Document Number
The travel invoice suggests the document type automatically, if the default document type has been selected in the settings (Settings – General – Other Settings). Based on the default document type, the travel invoice receives a document number during the first save.
The Name field automatically suggests the name of the travel invoice creator. If another person (basic user) is creating a travel invoice for someone else (the so-called secretary function), the traveler's name must be changed in the Name field. Using the secretary function requires the setting to be defined in the traveler's personal data (Registers – Persons -view). Note! The main user can create travel invoice for other users, even if the secretary function is not defined.
Personal number
Before creating the travel invoice, the personal identity code or personal number (in the format required by the payroll software) must be completed in the People register. Once the personal number/code has been set in the configurations, the information will automatically populate to the new travel invoice.
IBAN Bank Account Number and BIC
For the travel invoice, the IBAN bank account and BIC code of the person entered in the Name field are suggested. If there are changes to the bank account number, the main user must update the correct information in the Persons registry. NOTE! The traveler can change the bank account number on their travel invoice during the first stage of the approval process (changing the information in other stages of the approval process/by others is restricted). The information will also be automatically saved to the settings of that person.
Rate List
If multiple rate lists have been defined in the person's settings (Registers – Persons), they will be available for selection in the travel expense claim's Rate List field. If no separate rate lists have been defined in the person's settings, the general rate list of the tax administration will be used for the travel expense claim. If the person has a different rate list that includes only some types of compensation (e.g., daily allowances) and no other types of compensation are in use, the missing expense type compensations will be retrieved from the general rate list for the travel expense claim.
NOTE! Travel invoices can only be created for a period that corresponds to the pricing of the database. For example, if the pricing is valid until January 15, 2025, travel invoices cannot be created for the year 2024 for the period starting January 16, 2025 or later. The user will then receive an error message Change row date – Pricing missing or date constraint does not match pricing.
Supplementary Information
The necessary information must be completed on the travel invoice.
Purpose of travel
Write in this field what the purpose of the trip is. The purpose of the trip is also displayed in the Archive in the search functions of the travel invoice line.
Comments – You can enter information related to the travel invoice in the field (character count is free). The additional information will only be visible on the travel invoice. Click the pen button at the end of the field, after which you can write the necessary additional information. Save the additional information with the Ok button.
When the travel invoice is still being processed, you can still edit your own additional information that has already been saved (double-click on the text or click the pencil button). Clicking the checkbox in the Comment window will not save the information.
Comment -field shows not only the saved information but also details about who saved the text, on what day, and at what time it was done.
Approval Process
Select the approval process to be used for the travel invoice from the dropdown menu for that field.
Phase field shows the phase of the current approval process. If necessary, the travel invoice historical data can be viewed on the invoice's History tab.
Current person
When creating a new travel invoice, the name of the person drafting the report is displayed in this field. The information changes according to the stage of the approval process, depending on who is currently handling the travel invoice.
Previous person
When creating a new travel invoice claim, the Previous person field is empty. The field is filled based on the stage of the approval process and indicates who last processed the travel invoice claim.
Next phase
When creating a new travel invoice, you must select the Next phase field to choose the stage of the approval process to which the travel invoice will be transferred (dropdown menu). In the future, when the same user creates a new travel invoice, the previously selected next step from the previous report will be suggested for the new report.
Next person
When creating a new travel invoice, the Next person field must be filled with the next invoice processor (dropdown menu). In the future, when a new travel invoice is created for the same user, the previously selected Next person from the previous invoice will be suggested for the new invoice.
Email – Sending
By clicking the Sending Email checkbox, an email message regarding the invoice to be processed will be sent to the person listed in the Next Person field. The email will be sent as a summary message after saving the travel invoice, approximately every six hours. The subject of the email notification will show the traveler's name, and the traveler's name will also be displayed in the message details (Traveler-field).
Costs can be billed – Yes
The selection of Yes for this field is only an additional information field that indicates that the costs should be billed again. This information is only visible on the travel invoice.
The information provided for the travel invoice is compiled in the summary section of the travel invoice.
Days – The travel days range is displayed in the field.
Total km – The field shows all kilometers accumulated during the trip.
Total sum - This field will be automatically filled in with the total amount of the travel invoice after adding expenses.
In this field, you write the amount that has already been paid to the user in advance from the travel invoice. The given advance amount automatically reduces the total of the travel invoice.
To be Paid
The amount to be paid will automatically fill in this field, based on the travel invoice.
The amount is based on the provided daily allowance, km compensations, and other expenses, as well as any amounts paid in advance.
NOTE! You can print the travel invoice by clicking the Print- button on the travel invoice. The printout is now automatically transferred to the archive during the archiving of travel invoices, where it can also be viewed later.
Travel Invoice Costs
Allowances, kilometric compensations, and other expenses can be added to the travel expense report.
After adding/saving the expenses, the information will be updated in the Summary section of the travel expense report's basic view.
NOTE! At least one expense line must be created for the travel invoice before saving the invoice.
You can read more about adding daily allowances to the travel invoice here.
You can read more about adding kilometric compensations to travel invoices here.
You can read more about adding other travel-related expenses to the travel invoice here.
Travel Invoice Saving
You can save the travel invoice either by clicking the In Progress or Submit button. The first save of the travel invoice will assign a receipt number to the report.
Incomplete -selection saves the travel invoice but leaves it for the creator to handle for further editing (Travel Invoices – In Approval Pending – view).
To approval Process -selection saves the travel invoice and moves it to the next phase of approval and to the next person for processing. The next processor will receive an email notification regarding the travel invoice if the email notification has been activated for the invoice (Email – To be sent). The subject of the email notification will now display the traveler's name. The notification message details will also show the traveler's name (Traveler). If the processor has multiple travel invoices to review, the program will automatically open the next travel invoice for processing.
You can now also transfer the travel invoice to yourself in the first stage of the approval process, if it is allowed in the general settings of Purchase Invoices (Settings – General – Access – May the invoice be transferred to him/herself for the next phase in the workflow – Yes). The transfer to yourself in other stages of the approval process is still not possible (the name will be removed from the selection list).
Note! Close an unsaved travel invoice by clicking the cross on the travel invoice tab, which closes/removes the travel invoice. The Delete button also removes the entire travel invoice. If the travel invoice has been saved, it must always be removed using the Delete button.