Creation of Payment Estimate
Payment Estimate report shows how many invoices are due on which day.
Filters can be defined for the report, after which a report will be generated on the screen based on the provided information. The Payment Estimate report is only available for Purchase Invoices ledger.
Creation of Payment Estimate
- Go to Reports – Payment Estimate view
- Make the desired selections for the Payment Estimate
You can select the Doc. type field from the dropdown menu either a single document type or all document types whose invoices you want to display on the report.
Document Number – You can enter either a single document number or a range of document numbers that you want on the report.
Supplier – If you want to display invoices from all suppliers on the report, select the All option.
If you want to limit the display to invoices from a specific supplier, select the supplier's name from the dropdown menu.
Invoice Status – Choose whether to display only all approved invoices or also invoices that are in circulation.
- Approved selection will show only approved invoices on the report
- Approved and Iand approval Pending selection will show both approved and invoices in circulation on the report.
Note Cash Discounts – Choose whether to display any cash discounts on the invoices on the report or not.
- Yes selection will also show the cash discount affecting the invoice
- No selection will not consider the cash discount on the invoice.
By Date selection will print the invoices on the report sorted by due dates, without a summary.
Sequentially selection will print the invoices on the report sorted into categories (overdue more than 30 days, overdue 1-30 days, etc.) as well as a summary.
Formation of the Report
- Show – prints the report on the screen
- PDF – prints the report to a PDF file
- CSV - prints the report to a CSV file