Functions and Views
Left Frame of Purchase Invoices
Information on Your Own Tabs
Search Functions, Files, and Columns
Number and Total Amount of Selected Documents
Purchase Invoice Views - Purchase Invoices
Purchase Invoice Views - Purchase Ledger
Purchase Invoice Views - Travel Invoices
Purchase Invoice Views - Travel Invoice Register
Purchase Invoice Views - Transferable
Purchase Invoice Views - Transferred
Purchase Invoice Views - Reports
Purchase Invoice Views - Settings
Purchase Invoice Views - Registers
Limiting View Data (Filtering)
Sorting View Data
Changes Made to Documents
Tooltip Information Indicates the Icon/Function
Left Frame for Purchase Invoices
The left frame for purchase invoices is used to select the area of interest for operations;
Purchase Invoices, Purchase Ledger, Travel Invoices, Travel Invoice Ledger, To be transferred, Transferred, Reports, Settings, and Registers. By clicking on the selection, the functions related to that area will be displayed, allowing for processing and examination of the information for that particular choice.
NOTE! The information in the left frame of purchase invoices is built according to the user's rights. The options also vary slightly depending on which sections and functions have been enabled (approval process, purchase ledger, travel invoice ledger).
The choices in the navigation frame are always visible one at a time, and when the next view is clicked, the selections in the previous view close.
Information on Your Own Tabs
Each operation related to purchase invoices always opens on its own tab. Tabs enable keeping multiple views/operations open simultaneously and processing different tasks. When tabs remain open, it is easy to navigate between different operations.
The modified information is also updated on all open tabs. An individual tab is closed by clicking the tab's cross. When the Purchase Invoices tab is closed, all open tabs close automatically.
Search functions, files, and columns
Each view of purchase invoices has a toolbar for various basic functions.
Each view has a Search field (magnifying glass)
- You can enter the search term/number or part of a word/number that appears on an invoice/receipt or on accounting lines in the search field.
- Do not add a wildcard character (*) at the end of the search term.
- Initiate the search by clicking the magnifying glass icon (or Enter).
- You can cancel the search by clearing the field and clicking the Enter key.
Action buttons from left to right:
View details as a PDF file Each view contains a PDF icon that can be used to create a PDF file from the view's information. The PDF file can be saved and printed if needed.
View information as Excel file
Each view has an Excel icon that can be used to create an Excel file from the view's data. The Excel file can be saved and if needed, printed.
The Excel file can be useful, for example, in transferring data to another system.
Each view has a column icon that can be used to customize Purchase Invoice views with the necessary information. The column selections made by the individual are saved in the Purchase Invoices People settings and are always visible/available to that person by default.
An individual's column selections always reset with the Purchase Invoices reset button.
Reset Columns – button clears search functions' searches or removes user-provided view filters to default selections (all data returns to visibility).
Number and total amount of selected documents
At the bottom right of the purchase invoices, it shows how many documents are selected in the view and what is the total amount of the selected documents.
Selected X documents
The number of selected documents varies depending on how many documents are selected in the view. In the option "Selected 0 documents," no documents are selected in that particular view.
NOTE! You can use the Shift key to select documents.
Select multiple "here and there" documents by clicking on the desired documents -> the rows of the selected documents will turn blue.
Selecting multiple consecutive documents is done by clicking on the first document, and then pressing the Shift key on the keyboard and clicking on the last document -> all documents in between will be selected and the rows will turn blue.
Selecting All Invoices: If the number of invoices exceeds 1000, the Select All Invoices checkbox is not available. In this case, all invoices can be selected using the Shift key on the keyboard.
0.00 EUR
The Euro amount always indicates the total sum of the selected documents. If no documents are selected in the view, the Euro amount is also zero. For example, the view can display the total sum of invoices to be paid by a single approved supplier.
Pagination of Rows View
In the purchase invoices view, 100 rows per page are displayed. It is possible to navigate between pages using forward, backward, and number selections.
Purchase Invoice Views
On the left side of the purchase invoices, there are view titles that allow you to navigate to different pre-made views.
Purchase Invoices
By clicking on the left frame Purchase Invoices selection, you will access the views and functions of this section. Purchase invoices can be viewed in My Invoices, In Circulation, Approved, and All views. User rights and the status of the invoices affect where and in which views the invoices are displayed.
My invoices
In the "My invoices" view, all invoices to be processed (not yet approved) for the respective user are displayed, regardless of the processing stage they are in.
Approval Pending
Approval Pending view displays the invoices that are still in various approval process and have not yet been approved.
Approved view displays all invoices that have completed the entire approval process and are ready for payment in Purchase Ledger or for transfer to external accounts payable.
All- view displays all the invoices in Purchase Invoices, regardless of their processing stage. Archived invoices are also visible in this view.
Purchase Ledger
The Purchase Ledger selection is visible only in Circulos where the Purchase Invoices own purchase ledger is in use. Managing the purchase ledger requires administrator rights to the respective Purchase Invoices. By clicking on the Purchase Ledger selection, you can view purchase invoices in the Open, Paid, Payment batches, Payments, and Bank Statements views.
Open view displays all approved invoices that have not yet been marked as paid. These invoices can be selected for payment (as a batch or manual payment).
Paid view displays all invoices that have been marked as paid.
Payment batches
Payment batches view displays the created payment batches and their statuses. Also, invoices included in the payment batch are visible in this view.
Payments view displays all payment transactions.
Bank statements
Bank statements view displays the account statements received from the bank through the Web Services channel. Invoice payments are automatically acknowledge as paid according to the received bank statements.
Travel Invoices
By clicking on the Travel Invoice option, you can create and view travel expense invoices created in Purchase Invoices in the In approval pending- and, Approved- and All views.
New travel invoice
By clicking on New travel expense report, you can directly create a new travel invoice in Purchase Invoices.
Approval Pending
In the approval pending view, new travel invoices can be created or incomplete travel expense invoices saved in Purchase Invoices - workflow and accounts payable can be edited.
Approved view displays all travel invoices created in Purchase Invoices - workflow and accounts payable that have completed the travel invoice approval process and are ready to be transferred to payroll.
All- view displays all travel invoices in Purchase Invoices - workflow and accounts payable, regardless of their processing stage. Archived travel invoices are also visible in this view.
Travel Invoice Ledger
The view of the Travel Invoice Ledger is available when the payment of travel invoices has been activated in Purchase Invoices - workflow and accounts payable. Available views in the Travel Invoice Ledger are Open, Paid, Payment batches, Payments, and Bank Statements.
Open- view displays all approved travel invoices that have not yet been marked as paid. These travel invoices can be selected for payment (payment batch or manual payment).
Paid view displays all travel invoices that have been marked as paid.
Payment batches
Payment batches view displays the created payment batches and their statuses. Also, travel invoices related to the payment batch are visible in this view.
Payments view displays all the payment transactions for travel invoices.
Bank Statements
Bank Statements view displays the bank statements received from the bank via the Web Services channel. Travel Invoice payments are automatically acknowledge as paid according to the received bank statements.
To be transferred
By clicking on the To be transferred option, you can transfer invoices/payments to external systems such as accounting, payroll, and ledger. The views available for To be transferred are Purchase invoices, Payments, Travel invoices, and To archive.
Purchase Invoices
This option displays by default all approved invoices that can be transferred either to ledger or accounting. You can also filter the view to show only invoices in circulation or all transferable invoices.
This option enables the transfer of transactions to accounting.
Travel invoices
This selection enables the transfer of approved (or rejected) travel invoices to payroll accounting.
This selection enables
- archiving of approved and already transferred invoices to accounting and archiving of invoices already transferred to purchase ledger and archiving of travel expenses already transferred to payroll.
By clicking on the Transferred selection, you can view invoices/travel invoices and payments in their own views until they are transferred to the archive. After the transfer to the archive, all invoices transferred to external systems will be visible in the Transferred - Archived view.
Purchase Invoices
In the Purchase Invoices view, you can see all the invoices transferred to purchase ledger or you can see all the invoices transferred to accounting, depending on whether the ledger is in use or not.
In the Purchase Ledger module, the view displays all the transactions that have been transferred to the accounting. This section is missing from the Purchase Invoices workflow.
Travel Invoices
In this view, invoices transferred to payroll are visible.
In this view, all invoices that have been moved to the archive are visible.
In this view, you can see all the invoices and other documents that have been removed. An invoice that has been deleted can be restored to Purchase Invoices within two months from the deletion date.
Transactions from Accounts Payable and workflow-Purchase Invoices form transfer reports for transfers to accounting, accounts payable, payroll, and archives. The transfer actions of purchase invoices are always saved in the Reports - Transfer Reports view, where they can also be reviewed later.
In addition, from Purchase Ledger-Purchase Invoices, reports that facilitate reconciliation of the general ledger can be printed, such as Open Invoices, Purchase Invoice Journal (also used for Recycled Purchase Invoices), Payment Estimate and Payment Diary, as well as Site Codes. Desired restrictions can be set for the reports, after which a report is created on the screen based on the given information. It is possible to drill down into the invoices on the report through the links in the invoice lines. The report can be saved and printed if needed.
Open Invoices Report
Open invoices report is created to facilitate reconciliation work, comparing the daily balance of the accounts payable with the daily balance of the accounting payment account.
The Open invoices report displays all unpaid invoices as of the selected status date.
Purchase Invoice Journal Report (also known as Recycled Purchase Invoices) displays invoices, ledger entries, and cost center breakdowns based on the given filters.
Travel Expense Diary
Travel Expense Diary displays travel expenses, account breakdowns, and cost center details based on the given criteria.
Payment Forecast Report
Payment Forecast Report displays the due invoices either by day or by time period.
Performance Diary Report
Performance log displays performances and account details based on the given criteria.
Site Key Report
Reporting by work key and work number.
Transfer Reports
The transfer operations of purchase invoices are saved in the Transfer Reports view.
Project Accounting
The transfer of approved invoices to your own production control system can be done in the Reports – Project Accounting view. Reports are generated from the invoices, which are then saved to the desired destination directory as a csv file for further transfer.
The main user of the Office Level must define the Purchase Invoice settings before using the application. The company-specific main user can also define the settings and import the necessary registers as CSV files if the right is allowed in the general settings of Purchase Invoices.
We recommend completing the settings in the following order. This way, the configuration process can proceed in a logical sequence.
- Types of vouchers
- General
- Approval process
- Payment terms
- Bank accounts
- If Travel expenses are enabled, the Personnel settings must also be completed.
- If Account code rules setting is enabled, the related settings must also be completed.
- Cost compensations
View is where you define general settings for Purchase Invoices on different tabs (My Information, Accounts, Postings, Currencies, Travel Expenses, Connections, Rights, and Other settings).
Approval process
On view, the approval workflow (steps of the cycle) and individuals who handle invoices at different stages of the workflow are defined for purchase and travel invoices.
Payment Terms
View is where the payment terms and cash discounts used on invoices are defined.
Bank Accounts
View defines the bank accounts from which invoices will be paid.
Terms of Accounting
View allows defining rules that guide the creation of accounting entries. With chart of accounts rules, it is possible, for example, to restrict the use of cost centers or cost objects in connection with certain accounts. Chart of accounts rules are currently not in use.
Cost compensations
Expense allowances can be defined as a price list diverging from the tax-free expense allowances annually determined by the tax authorities.
In the Registers view, information can be established individually or some registers can also be imported using the Register maintenance function, as a CSV file, various information into Purchase invoices. The registers for purchase invoices are Suppliers, Chart of accounts, Cost centers, Calculation objects, VAT codes, Payroll types, Voucher types, and Personnel.
Supplier register, where all suppliers of invoices processed in Purchase Invoices must be set up. The establishment can be done either in the register, or in the invoice processing within the Purchase Invoices interpretation and accounting solution, or in the Link. Supplier-specific settings, such as default expense accounts used for the supplier, are saved in the supplier settings in the supplier register.
Chart of Accounts
The chart of accounts should include all accounts used in Purchase Invoices; both expense accounts and accounts such as accounts payable, payment, and VAT accounts.
Cost Units
The cost units register includes all the cost center items that the company uses. There are also settings related to cost centers in the General Settings, on the Tab Postings.
Accounting Objects
The accounting objects register includes all cost centers used by the company. Cost center settings must be defined first in General settings, on the Accounting tab.
VAT codes
The VAT code register needs to include all VAT codes used in the company's Purchase Invoices. Using the Hero's mobile application requires the use of VAT codes.
Salary types
In the Salary types register for purchase invoices, all salary types used on purchase invoice travel expense reports must be brought/established. Defining salary types is also required for the Heeros mobile application.
Document Types
Document Types view defines different default voucher types. Default document types can be defined for purchase invoices, travel expenses, payments, credit notes, overpayments, and sales invoices.
Personnel view defines for the Accounts Payable user, among other things, the payroll type and substitute for the absence period (substitution).
Limiting View Data (Filtering)
You can arrange/filter the data in the view using various choices. The selections filter out some of the data and display only the desired information. Filtering is initiated by clicking the magnifying glass icon.
In the example image, all invoices from supplier Puhelin Oy for the person Olivia Leppäsuo.
Organizing View Data
When you want to organize the data of the columns in a list, for example, in alphabetical order (supplier name, person…) or from smallest to largest (amount, reference number…), click on the arrow buttons in the column headers, so that the data will be arranged in the desired order.
In the example, the arrow button in the Amount column has been clicked, and the amounts have been sorted from smallest to largest.
Changes Made to Documents
You can view when and who has made changes to the documents in settings and registers by clicking on the Changes arrow button in the open document.
Example of the change history data for the document type
Tooltip information indicates which icon/function is in question
When you hover the mouse pointer over icons in the program, you will see a tooltip text that explains what each icon represents.
When you hover the mouse pointer over words like Invoice, Additional Information, Change, Attachments that are links, the program indicates which function is being referred to.
Step = Show previous steps
Additional Information = Show comments