Converting workflow Purchase Invoices to Purchase Ledger in Purchase Invoices means that in the future, invoices will be sent directly from Purchase Invoices to banks, and a separate bank connection program for SEPA area (EUR) payments will no longer be needed.
Before switching workflow Purchase Invoices to Purchase Ledger Purchase Invoices, a few actions must be taken, after which the purchase ledger can be implemented.
After implementation, payment-related settings will still be defined in the Purchase Invoices settings.
Actions Before Implementing the Purchase Ledger
The following actions will be taken for Recycling Purchase Invoices:
Purchase Invoices
- are transferred to the external purchase ledger
- archived in the Archive
- completely removed from Purchase Invoices
If these actions are not taken, all invoices in Purchase Invoices will become open invoices in the purchase ledger after the overlay.
Implementing Purchase Ledger to Purchase Invoices
- First, perform the actions mentioned in the previous section
- Go to the Heeros Menu
- Select the customers for whom the purchase ledger will be implemented by clicking the checkbox next to the company name
- Click the Accounts payable button in the top menu bar
- The program will notify; Action completed – click OK
On the rows of those customers who have the Purchase Invoices purchase ledger in use, a green icon with a red upward arrow will be visible.