Other Functions Related to Payment Batch
Cancellation of payment batch from the bank
Bank return messages - Heeros Link
Manual confirmation of payment batch as completed
Materials to be collected from the bank
Payment Batch Approval
If the payment batch approval feature is enabled in the general settings (Settings – General – Access), the payment batch must always be approved before it is sent from the program to the bank for payment.
The payment batch can be approved and sent to the bank by those approvers who are defined as payment batch approvers in the settings. Once the payment batch has been created and sent for payment, it changes to the status Awaiting Approval. The approver will receive a notification about the payment batch to be approved. The approver has one day to approve the payment batch. If the payment batch is not approved in time, it must be returned to open status and recreated.
- Moves to the Purchase Ledger – Payment Batches view
- Selects the payment batch to approve (by clicking the checkbox in front of the line) or opens the payment batch to approve (by clicking the blue link)
- The payment batch is approved with the Approve Payment Batch button
The payment batch moves to Awaiting Dispatch (‘bank name’) status and continues on its way to the bank like a normal payment batch.
Cancelling a payment batch from the bank
Canceling a payment batch through the software is not currently available. Cancellations of payment batches must be done through the banks' transaction customer service. Banks may charge a service fee for the cancellation of a payment batch.
Payment Batch Steps
Payment Batch Steps
If separate payment approval is not in use, the stages of payment processing are as follows. Note! If payment batches have not been automatically settled according to the bank statement, they can be manually settled if necessary using the Mark as Completed - button or returned to be open for re-payment using the Return to Open button.
Steps in the Purchase Ledger
0) Awaiting approval – payment batch is not yet visible in Heeros Link
1) Awaiting dispatch
2) Sent to Bank
3) Paid
4) Rejected
5) Partially paid
Steps in Heeros Link
0) Awaiting Approval
This status is only applicable if payment batch approval is enabled in the settings.
The payment batch has been created, but it will not be sent until the specified person in the settings approves the submission of the payment batch.
1) Awaiting shipment
The payment batch has been created and basic checks related to the shipment are performed in Purchase Invoices, after which the material is transferred to Heeros Link and then scheduled for the bank.
2) Sent to the bank
The material has been sent to the bank and is awaiting the bank's receipt confirmation.
The arrival of the receipt confirmation may take up to 2 hours (including the transfer of the payment batch from Purchase Invoices to Heeros Link and then to the bank, as well as the return of the confirmation).
3) Paid
The material has been processed and the bank has confirmed that the payment batch invoices have been paid and they appear on the bank statement.
4) Rejected
The material has been processed, and the bank has informed that the invoices of the payment batch could not be paid (e.g., insufficient funds). Invoices of a rejected payment batch do not automatically revert to open status. In the Payment Materials view, a red triangle with an exclamation mark icon is displayed on the line of the rejected payment batch. When a payment batch with Rejected status is opened, the reason for rejection provided by the bank will be shown in the payment batch's Additional Information field (e.g., insufficient funds). For more details on rejection reasons, you can read here.
5) Partially paid
The material has been processed, and the bank has informed that some of the payment batch invoices have been paid (e.g., different due dates).
Bank Return Messages – Heeros Link
When the SEPA payment file has been sent to the bank, the bank always performs various basic checks on the file before actual processing. Once the file passes the basic checks, Heeros Link receives an acknowledgment from the bank. The bank's acknowledgment of the basic checks is typically visible in Heeros Link with the letter combinations shown below;
- ACTC (Accepted Technical Validation) technical approval of submitted material, which does not yet address the recipient's information or the account balance.
- ACCP (Accepted Customer Profile) verification of the sender's contract information and the Web Services communication channel.
- ACSP (Accepted Settlement In Process) additional verification by the cooperative bank.
Payment Batch Reversal to Open
Revert to Open function can be used to revert either the entire payment batch or invoices belonging to the payment batch to an open status. The Purchase Ledger – Payment Materials view's Revert to Open button can be utilized when invoices that are selected in the payment batch have not been paid in the bank. For example, in cases of bank errors, where the batch may have remained in the Rejected- or Sent to Bank status. You can read more about rejection reasons here.
Note! If the payment date of the invoice or the entire payment batch is today or in the future, the customer cannot return it themselves. If necessary, Heeros application support will assist with this.
To return a payment batch or invoice to open, select either individual invoices or the entire payment batch by clicking the checkbox in front of the desired row and then click the Return to open button.
If the payment batch is awaiting approval, the entire payment batch (not just an individual invoice) must be returned to open status. Before returning the payment batch or invoice to open status, it should be ensured that invoices to be released have not been paid at the bank, e.g., due to different due dates.
Manually Marking Payment Batch as Completed
Purchase Ledger – Payment Materials view's Mark as Completed button can be utilized when invoices have not been automatically marked as completed from the bank statement. For example, a rejected payment batch or invoice(s) has been paid through another banking software. The Mark as Completed function allows marking the entire payment batch or invoices belonging to the payment batch as completed.
Note! Before confirming the payment batch or invoice as completed, make sure that the invoices have been paid at the bank.
To mark a payment batch or invoice as completed, select either individual invoices or the entire payment batch by clicking the checkbox in front of the desired row and then click the Receipte as paid button.
Materials to be retrieved from the bank
Materials are always retrieved from the bank according to the agreement; usually payment feedback and bank statements. Payment feedback with possible error messages is retrieved on the same day, while bank statements are most commonly retrieved on the business day following the payment date.
Payment feedback
Once the material is received by the bank, Heeros Link receives a receipt for it. The receipt changes the status of the payment batch in Heeros Link to SENT and in Purchase invoices to Sent to the bank. Payment feedback can also be a message regarding an error (Error) that occurred with the payment batch or its invoice.
Bank Statements
TITO bank statements should be retrieved daily (daily bank statement) according to the recommendation. The retrieved bank statements are automatically transferred from Heeros Link to the Purchase Ledger Bank Statements- view. Nordea also exclusively provides a printed format bank statement (HTMKTO).
If a customer has few payment transactions, the bank statement can also be retrieved weekly. However, we recommend daily retrieval of the bank statement to facilitate the reconciliation of the ledgers. A daily bank statement is required when using travel expense reports to send up-to-date income register notifications.
Note! Payments will be automatically reconciled only after the retrieval of the bank statement. Manually processing payments before retrieving the bank statement is prohibited! This may result in duplicate payments for invoices and discrepancies in various reports as well as errors in accounting.