Manual payment for multiple invoices simultaneously
Manual Payments
The following invoices will be processed as manual payments:
- If the credit invoice and the invoice to be credited are of equal amount.
- If the credit invoice applies to several charge invoices, the credit invoice and the credited portion of the charge invoices are settled manually. The total amount of the charge invoice can be selected according to the payment batch.
- The invoice has been settled in another way, for example, paid via the bank connection software and not from Purchase Ledger.
- Direct debit invoices.
Manually settling invoices:
- Go to the Purchase Ledger – Open view. All payable invoices will be displayed in a list in the opened view, sorted by due date.
- Select the manual payment invoice by clicking the checkbox in front of the invoice line.
- Click the Manual Payment button, and the manual payment window will open for editing.
- Make any necessary changes to the payment.
Select the invoices for manual payment by clicking the checkbox at the start of the line:
Define in the pop-up window if necessary
Payment date
The field shows the suggested payment date by the program, usually the current day. The payment date of a manual payment can be changed by selecting the desired payment date from the calendar at the end of the Payment date field. Note! A manual payment cannot be made for the future; the payment date may only be the current day or days before it.
Payment amount
The field will display the sum of the invoices to be manually paid. This information can be changed if necessary by typing the desired amount in the field. If there are allocated credits on the invoice, the allocated credits will be shown in both the invoice and the payment details (Allocated credit and Payment amount with credits).
Exchange rate
The exchange rate for the payment will be according to the rate on the payment date. The rate can be changed if necessary.
Accounts payable account
If you are using multiple accounts payable accounts, Purchasing Invoices offers the account to be used in the following order: From the invoice, From supplier information, By document type, and from general settings. The account can be changed from the dropdown list at the end of the field.
- Save the manual payment at the end using the Save button.
You can create a maximum of three entry lines / postings for the payment depending on the invoice:
- Transaction
- Discount (if there is a discount applicable on the invoices)
- Exchange difference (if the invoice is in foreign currency, the exchange difference will be calculated automatically on the posting lines in the Purchase Ledger)
- Amounts
- Suggests Debit and Credit accounts
- Suggests the VAT code/percentage defined for the discount account.
Switching accounts
The purchase ledger account can be changed in the Payment section's Purchase Ledger Account field.
Other accounts are selected in the Journal Entries section, from the dropdown menus of the fields. Purchase invoices suggest accounts in the following order:- Purchase Ledger (From Invoice, From Supplier Information, By Document Type, From General Settings)
- Bank Account (General – Accounts – Payment Account)
- Discount Account (General – Accounts – Cash Discount Account)
- Exchange Rate Difference Account (General – Accounts – Exchange Rate Difference Account).
Document Type
Document type -field allows you to select the document type of the transactions. If the information is missing or if you want to change it, select the applicable document type for manual transaction from the dropdown menu at the end of the field.
With the reference options, you can optionally provide one or more references for the manual entry. The reference information is not mandatory. By clicking the checkbox in front of the word Reference, you select the corresponding reference for the manual entry.
- Supplier
- Supplier ID
- Document type
- Document number
- Invoice number
After the invoice number field, there is a free text field where you can write any explanation for the manual transaction.
Manual Saving Recording
When you save the manual payment using the Save button, the payment will appear in the Purchase Ledger – Payments view.
- If the amount of the manually processed invoice has been fully settled, it will move to the Purchase Ledger – Payments view.
- If the amount of the manually processed invoice has been partially settled, it will remain open in the Purchase Ledger – Open view.
The history details of the manually processed invoice will show the name of the person who made the payment.
Manual payment for multiple invoices simultaneously
Multiple invoices can be marked as paid manually by selecting the invoices to be paid and clicking the Manual payment button. The Pop-up payment window shows the number of selected invoices in the invoice details. Closing the view tab (cross) will interrupt the manual payment.
Modification of Payments
If necessary, the details of the payment can be modified or completely removed for reprocessing.
Edit Payment
- Go to the Purchase Ledger – Payments view
- Payments are listed according to the payment date
- Open the payment by clicking the blue link in the Supplier/Traveler field
- Select the information for the payment
Invoice details
This section displays the information related to the invoice to which the payment is allocated. This information cannot be modified.
This section displays the details of the payment. The date of the payment can be changed if necessary, for example, if the payment has been assigned to the wrong date. In that case, select a new date for the payment from the calendar selection dropdown.
This section displays the information related to the posting of the transaction. If necessary, the Debit and Credit accounts for the transaction can be swapped by clicking on the dropdown menus and selecting a new account for the transaction. You can also edit the description of the transaction or provide a new description for the transaction.
- The information must be saved at the end using the Save button.
Changes made to the execution (historical data) will be visible in the execution's Changes section.
Deleting Payments
If a manual payment has been made incorrectly, it can be removed in the Payments view.
- Go to the Purchase Ledger – Payments view
- Select the payment to be removed by clicking the checkbox in front of the payment row
- Click the Delete payment button.
- Confirm the deletion by entering the reason for the deletion in the text field and confirming the deletion with the Continue button.
The deleted transaction moves to the Transferred - Deleted view. The invoice associated with the transaction returns to the Purchase Ledger – Open view, and its historical data retains information about the deletion (Phase-field).