Settings required by the Incomes Register in Purchase Invoices
Submitting Incomes Register Notifications
Updating the account information manually for invoices submitted to the incomes register
If you are using the Purchase Invoices travel expense accounts payable, a notification of paid daily allowances and kilometer reimbursements will be sent to the incomes register. To access the incomes register, a certificate must be retrieved in the Heeros Menu. You can read more about obtaining the certificate here.
Settings Required by the Incomes Register for Purchase Invoices
Making Incomes Register notifications requires the following settings in Purchase Invoices:
- Settings – General – My Information tab
- Business ID
- Contact Person
- Contact Person's Phone Number
- Registers – Persons
- Personal identity number is a mandatory information. If the traveler does not have a Finnish Personal identity number, "No Finnish Person ID" must be checked, and the information on the Foreign Person tab must be filled out
NOTE! The use of travel invoice ledger and travel expense accounts payable requires additional settings; more detailed information can be found in the instructions related to travel expenses and travel expense accounts payable.
Sending Incomes Register Notifications
Incomes Register notifications must be made within 5 business days of the payment of the reported information. Notifications related to purchase invoices in the travel expense ledger are sent automatically when the travel expenses are marked as paid. The notification is automatically sent in the following situations:
- the travel invoice has been sent from Purchase Invoices to the bank for payment and the invoice will automatically be marked as paid on the bank statement (must have a daily bank statement)
- the travel invoice has been sent from Purchase Invoices to the bank for payment and the invoice/payment batch will be manually marked as paid from the Payment Materials view
- the travel invoice has been paid outside of Purchase Invoices and a manual payment will be made from the Open view of Purchase Invoices
- the travel invoice has exactly the same amount of travel advance as the total of the travel invoice (= total of the travel invoice 0), and therefore it does not need to be paid anymore -> an incomes register notification will be sent when the invoice is approved (= moved to the last stage of the approval process)
NOTE! In some travel invoices that are paid in parts, an incomes register notification will not be sent automatically! For travel invoices that are paid in parts, you must always report manually to the incomes register at
Confirmation of the Income Register notification will be reflected in the Purchase Invoices Travel Expense Ledger – Payment Batches view.
- Blue income register icon
– successful submission
- Red income register icon
– failed submission
- Blue-black income register icon
- there are no reportable details to the income register on the invoice (the invoice only contains other expenses)
If the invoice has no icon at all:
- No income register submission has occurred
The tooltip for the Income Register icon provides detailed information about the status of the income register notification.
- The tooltip for the blue icon reads "Successful submission"
- The tooltip for the red icon states the reason for the submission failure. The reason for the failed submission must be corrected in the Purchase Invoices settings, and the income register notification for that specific invoice must be made manually to the incomes register.
- The tooltip for the blue-black icon reads "No reportable information"
The status of the income register notifications should always be checked after submission. Notification of a successful/failed submission usually comes almost immediately, in most cases within 24 hours. At the latest, the information will be available within 5 business days. If the notification icon has not been received within 5 business days, check the delivery status of the notification first from the Income Register view in the menu, and if necessary, directly from the income register's own service. The benefit payer is responsible for submitting notifications on time and for the accuracy of the information.
The data sent to the incomes register can be checked from the Menu's Incomes Register view. You can access the view either by clicking the Menu's Incomes Register button or by clicking the incomes register icon on the invoice line in the Purchase Invoices Travel Expense Ledger – Payment Data view.
If necessary, you can also check the information directly from the incomes register, Using the service requires logging into the service, and if you are viewing information of a company other than your own (e.g., the client information of an accounting office), you will need authorization from the target company to use the service. For more detailed information on using the incomes register's own services, visit the incomes register's website.
Updating the invoice information manually to the incomes register
If the travel expense report details are manually entered into the incomes register, the invoice's incomes register status in the Purchase Invoices travel expense ledger will not update automatically. The invoice can be marked as transferred to the incomes register manually. The update of the incomes register status occurs in the Travel Invoices Ledger - Paid view.
Update of travel invoices to income register status
- Update status for selected ones -button can be used to automatically update the status of invoices reported to the incomes register. First, select the invoices whose status you want to update and click the button. The status of the invoices will be retrieved from the incomes register.
- Update status for all -button can be used to automatically update the status of invoices reported to the incomes register. The status will be updated for all invoices displayed. The status of the invoices will be retrieved from the incomes register.
- Mark transferred -button can be used to mark an invoice manually reported to the incomes register as reported in Purchase Invoices as well. This action does not report the invoice's information to the incomes register, but only adds the note of manual reporting to the invoice. In this case, the blue incomes register icon on the invoice indicates the status as "Manually submitted to the incomes register".