General About Purchase Invoice Rights
Company-specific main user rights
Company-specific basic user rights
General Information about Purchase Invoice Rights
Rights tab defines the rights related to the use of Purchase Invoices. If necessary, you can grant additional rights to the company-specific main user (by default No rights). The company-specific main user has rights only to the companies to which rights have been granted to them.
Go to the Settings – General – Access tab and fill in the information in the opened window. Finally, save the information with the Save button.
Purchase Invoice Permissions
This tab defines the permissions for company-specific main users using the purchase ledger.
A checkmark in the box next to the permission grants access by default to all company-specific main users for the specified view/action related to Purchase Invoices. Without a checkmark next to the permission, company-specific users do not have access to the specified view/action. Following the selection, there is a drop-down menu where you can make personal selections related to the permission. If a person/people are selected from the list, then only that person/these people will have access to the specified view/action.
Below is an image of the purchase ledger - Purchase Invoice rights. In the Workflow -Purchase Invoices, not all the same rights are selectable (e.g., right to the purchase ledger). In the instructions below, it is indicated which rights are only selectable in purchase ledger - Purchase Invoices.
Company-Specific Main User Rights
Right to Delete Invoices - Select whether to allow the company-specific (not own office-level) main user to delete invoices from Purchase Invoices (check/uncheck the box). If necessary, select the individuals to whom the right should be granted.
Right to transfer invoices to an external system and to archive and restore invoices - Select whether to allow the company-specific (not office-level) main user to transfer invoices to the main system as well as to archive and retrieve invoices (check the box/on). If necessary, select the individuals to whom the rights should be granted.
Right to change document numbers - Choose whether to allow the company-specific (not own office-level) main user to change document numbers (check the box/on or off). Select individuals to whom the right is to be granted, if necessary.
Access to Reports - Choose whether to allow the company-specific (not office-level) main user to create reports (check the box in/out). Select individuals to whom the access should be granted if necessary. Note! If access is not granted, the company-specific administrator will not see the Reports title at all in the left frame.
Access to Settings - Choose whether to allow company-specific (not office-level) main user access to the settings (check the box/on). If necessary, select the individuals to whom the access should be granted. Note! If access is not granted, the company-specific administrator will not see the Settings heading at all in the left frame.
NOTE! The company-specific main user will never see the Permissions tab in General settings, even if permissions have been granted for the settings.
Access to Registers - Select whether to allow access to the registers for a company-level (not office-level) main user (check the box/on uncheck). If necessary, select the individuals to whom the access is to be granted. Note! If access is not granted, the company-level administrator will not see the Registers heading at all in the left frame.
Authorization to make manual payments (only Purchase Invoices Ledger) - Select whether to allow the company-specific (not office-level) main user to make manual payments (check the box in/out). If necessary, select the individuals to whom the authorization should be granted. NOTE! The use of this authorization requires authorization for the purchase and/or travel expense ledger.
The right to acknowledge and refund payment transactions (only Purchase Invoices Ledger) - Select whether to allow the company-specific (not office-level) main user to acknowledge and refund payment transactions (check/uncheck the box). If necessary, select the individuals to whom the right should be granted. The use of this right requires access to the purchase and/or travel expense ledger.
The right to delete transactions (only Purchase Invoices Ledger) - Select whether to allow the company-specific (not office level) main user to delete transactions (check the box/uncheck). If necessary, select the individuals to whom the right should be granted. Exercising this right requires access to the purchase and/or travel expense ledger.
Right to purchase ledger (only Purchase Invoices Ledger) - Select whether to allow access to the purchase ledger and its views for company-specific (not office-level) main user (check the box in/out). If necessary, select the individuals to whom the access should be granted.
Access to travel expense ledger (only Travel Expense Ledger - Purchase Invoices - Select whether to allow access to the travel expense ledger for the company-specific (not office-level) main user (check the box in/out). If necessary, select the individuals who should be granted access.
Company-Specific Basic User Rights
Right to Create Purchase Invoices from eReceipts
This option allows basic users to create purchase invoices from the receipts they have documented. Purchase invoice creation occurs through the eReceipt web interface.
Other Rights
Reading Access to Archived Invoices - Reading access to archived invoices can also be granted to a person who has not participated in the invoice review process, but has been given specific permission to view all invoices related to a certain cost center in the Archive. For the implementation of this function, please contact Heeros's application support, which will assign cost center-specific rights to the person.
Note! Cost center-specific rights will come into effect on new invoices that are processed after the feature has been implemented, not on invoices that have already been archived.
Reading Access to Archived Invoices and postings - Reading access can be granted to all basic users participating in the audit cycle to all the invoices and their and postings in the Archive, where the individual has been a performer of any phase of the audit cycle.
Activate reading rights for use by clicking the checkbox in front of the text Reading rights to archived invoices for all participants in the audit cycle. If the selection is not activated (the checkmark is missing from the checkbox), the basic user will not have reading rights to the invoice in the Archive.
Reading Rights for invoices and postings in circulation- All basic users participating in the auditing process can be granted reading rights to invoices and accounting entries for the entire duration of the invoice's audit cycle. Activate the reading rights by clicking the checkbox next to the text Reading rights for all participants in the auditing process for invoices in circulation.
If the selection is not activated (the check mark is missing from the checkbox), the general user does not have reading rights to the invoice for the entire review cycle, but the general user will only see the invoice after its processing phase once it has been archived in the Archive. Note! Archiving of the invoice is only allowed after it has been transferred to accounting or ledger. This setting also automatically adds the right to view archived invoices and entries in the Archive.
Person drafting travel invoice always has reading rights to their own invoice- A basic user can be defined whether they can see their own travel invoices throughout the entire approval process and in the archived state.
Ticking the box allows the expense report author to retain access to their expense report throughout the entire review cycle in Purchase Invoices and once archived in the Archive.
If the box is not checked, the expense report author will not be able to see other processing stages of their own expense report. Expense report processors will only be able to see their own expense report once it has been archived.
Approval of payment instalments in Use (only OR-Purchase Invoices) - Select whether a separate approval for payment installments should be used in these Purchase Invoices before sending for payment (check the box/on or off). When this setting is turned on, the default approval right is granted to all administrators.
If the approval of payment installments is in use, the individuals who approve the payment installments before payment can be selected in the field following the selection. If necessary, the selected person's name can be removed from the approvers by clicking the blue checkmark at the end of the name.
May the invoice be transferred to him/herself for the next phase in the workflow? - If the same person is assigned to the Review and Approval stages of the review cycle, this setting can affect whether the person can transfer the invoice they have reviewed to themselves for approval. This setting also allows for the transfer of travel expense reports to oneself at the first stage of the review cycle.
The checkmark in the box allows the person to move the invoice to the next stage for themselves.
Without the checkmark, the setting is not active, and the person cannot move the invoice into processing for themselves to the next stage.
Save the information at the end using the Save button