Invoice Settings
Invoice Details
Invoice Lines
Action Buttons and Sending the Invoice
- Select the New Invoice button in the top right corner of the page.
- Complete the information in the pop-up window. Fields marked with (*) are mandatory.
- Send the invoice as an e-invoice, email, print and mail, or save it to the archive.
- Or save the invoice as a draft using the Save Draft button, which will close the invoice window.
On the invoice form, you can navigate from field to field using the tab key on your keyboard, and open the drop-down menu using the spacebar. With the drop-down menu open, you can navigate using the arrow keys on your keyboard, and confirm your selection by pressing Enter or the tab key.
Invoice Settings
When creating a new invoice, the invoice settings are checked first.
Invoice Type - Select from the dropdown menu whether it is a regular invoice or a credit note. The credit note option allows the invoice to be linked to an invoiced charge. After selecting the invoiced charge, choose the linked invoiced charge from the dropdown menu.
Invoice Language - You can check the language (Finnish, Swedish, English) in which the invoice will be sent to the customer. The default language setting is determined in the general settings and will be selected on the invoice form unless otherwise specified in the customer register. If necessary, you can change the language of the invoice using the drop-down menu on the invoice form. The invoice will always be sent in the selected language. Note! Product names, payment term names, or similar information entered in Finnish in the settings will not be automatically translated on the invoice. Unit translations can be made, which will be updated based on the invoice language.
Currency - Select the currency of the invoice. The default currency setting is determined in the general settings and will be selected on the invoice form unless otherwise specified in the customer register.
Exchange Rate - On the invoice form, the exchange rate for businesses with EUR as the default currency and invoicing in another currency will be automatically filled in with the previous day's closing rate. The rate is based on the European Central Bank's reference rates, which are retrieved from the Bank of Finland's API. Automatic rate retrieval currently only works when EUR is the default currency. If another default currency is used, the rates must be entered manually.
Invoice Details
Next, complete the invoice details by selecting the customer from the drop-down menu or creating a new customer using the +Create Customer button.
After selecting the customer, you can change the customer if necessary using the Change Customer button or edit the customer's information using the Edit button. The Edit button opens the customer's information in the customer register.
Invoice Number/Payment Reference Number - The invoice number and payment reference number cannot be edited on the invoice, as the information is populated based on the invoice counters and settings when the invoice is sent. After that, the invoice number and payment reference number can be viewed on the invoice image (Preview function) and on the invoice form.
Invoice Date/Note Date/Delivery Date - The invoice dates are automatically generated based on the computer's date. If necessary, you can select the correct date by clicking on the calendar icon or entering the date manually. The delivery date is optional and can be left blank.
Payment Terms/Due Date - The due date of the invoice is determined based on the selected payment terms. The default payment terms are determined in the general settings (Settings - General Settings - Invoice tab) or based on the information marked behind the customer. The payment terms can still be changed on the invoice form.
Payment Interest - The interest rate is determined based on the default interest rate set in the general settings (Settings - General Settings - Invoice tab) or based on the information marked behind the customer. The interest rate can still be changed on the invoice form.
Our Reference/Your Reference - Additional information related to the invoice can be added to these fields.
Order Number - Information about the order number can be added to this field.
Sales responsible - The sales representatives information can be selected in this field. Salespersons must be added to the general settings (Settings - General Settings - Invoice tab) before the information can be selected on the invoice.
Bank Accounts - The bank accounts displayed on the invoice are selected from the Bank Accounts drop-down menu. The bank accounts must be set up in the registers (Registers - Bank Accounts) before they can be selected on the invoice. The bank accounts used on the invoice can also be defined on a customer-specific basis in the customer register.
Attachments - Additional files can be added to sales invoices to be sent to the recipient. If the recipient's e-invoice operator is a bank, the attached files will not be transmitted to the recipient, as banks do not transmit attached files to recipients. Click the (+) button in the Attachments box and select the files to be attached from the directory.
- Attachments added to the invoice can only be in .pdf format.
- The combined size of attachments for a single invoice cannot exceed 2MB.
Desciption - A specific comment can be written in this field. If a general comment has been added to the general settings (Settings - General Settings - Invoice tab) or a customer-specific comment has been saved in the customer register, the given information will appear as the header information on the invoice. NOTE! The maximum character limit for the Comment field in the Finvoice file is 512 characters.
Invoice Rows
Next, complete the invoice rows. You can open and close additional rows for all invoice lines from the button in the right corner, where you can enter the line-specific delivery date, VAT code, sales account, cost units, and additional descriptions. You can open an additional row for each line using the (+) button. You can create a new invoice line using the Add Row button.
Product Name and Description - Select the product from the drop-down menu or create a new product using the New Product option. The product description is retrieved from the product information and can be edited on the invoice line.
Unit - The selected unit for the product (e.g., pcs, wk, h) is automatically populated on the invoice line. This information can be edited.
Quantity - The default value for this field is 1. The information can be edited.
Net and Gross Price - The selected price for the product is automatically populated on the invoice line. If the price is set as a list price in the product register, the information can be edited. The gross amount for the line is calculated automatically and will change if the net price, discount %, or VAT% is edited.
Discount % - Enter the product's discount percentage in the Discount % field, and the gross amount on the invoice line will be updated accordingly.
VAT % and Code - The information is retrieved from the product register by default. If the VAT % is defined behind the customer, this information will remain on the line even if the product has a different value. The information can also be changed on the invoice form if necessary.
Delivery Date - Line-specific delivery date. If all products on the invoice have the same delivery date, you can enter the delivery date in the Delivery Date field in the Invoice Details section. The delivery date field is optional and can be left blank.
Buyer's PO Number - The line-specific order number is added to this field if necessary. On the invoice image, the line-specific order number is added to the same section as the delivery date. In the invoice XML, the order number is added to the RowIdentifier field in the Finvoice 3.0 specification.
Sales Account - The sales account is retrieved from the general settings Accounts tab, customer settings, or product settings. The information can be edited on the invoice line. If the sales account is defined behind the customer, this information will remain on the row even if the product has a different value.
Cost Units - If cost centers have been enabled in the Sales Invoice settings, they can be defined on an invoice line basis. The information is retrieved from the customer or product settings by default, and it can also be entered/edited on the invoice line. If a cost center is defined behind the customer, this information will remain on the line even if the product has a different value.
Additional Description - An additional comment can be added to the invoice line.
Action Buttons and Sending the Invoice
The bottom bar of the invoice contains action buttons for saving, previewing, and sending the invoice.
Save Draft - Use this button to save the invoice as a draft. After saving, the invoice details will close, and the invoice will be available in the Draft status under Invoices - All Invoices.
Preview - The invoice image opens in a separate window, and you can also print the invoice in PDF format from this view.
Sending the Invoice
The sales invoice can be sent from the program:
- As an e-invoice
- By email
- For printing
- To archive
The sending method can be changed from the drop-down menu, which will display the appropriate sending options based on the information stored in the customer register. Selecting e-invoice/email/printing will send the invoice to the customer and the archive, and move the invoice to the ledger. Selecting archive will only send the invoice to the archive and move it to the ledger.