Main details
Address details
Invoicing details
Payment details
Contact details
Additional details
Open the Customers - All customers section from the left frame or click on the New Customer button under the arrow icon in the top right corner. Then select the New Customer button (+) located in the top left corner and fill in the customer's information. Please note that the information marked with (*) is mandatory.
Main details
Customer type - Select whether it is a Company or a Person customer.
Country - The country code is selected in the Country field, which indicates the country where the customer is located.
Customer code - Give the customer a customer number. We recommend using only numbers.
Business ID - Enter the customer's Business-ID in the field.
VAT number - The field is filled in automatically after entering the Business-ID when Finland is selected as the Country. If the customer's Country is something else, VAT number field need to be filled manually.
Fetch Data from YTJ button - When the customer is from Finland and the business ID is provided, the button activates to retrieve customer information through the YTJ interface. Customer details are fetched from the YTJ database by selecting this button.
The following information is retrieved and filled in from the company's details:
- Company name
- Address
- Please note that only one address is filled in by default. If the billing and shipping addresses are different, the user must manually fill in this information.
- Contact information (phone number and email)
If the provided business ID is incorrect or does not exist, the user is prompted to check the ID through an error message.
Address details
The address details has three tabs Address, Billing address and Delivery address.
Use the same address - While option is selected, the Address information is also copied to the Billing address and Delivery address tabs. By removing the selection, you can move to the tabs and edit the address information.
Name, Additional name - Add customer's name and additional name.
Street address, Street address 2, Postal code and City - Fill in the customer's address information. If the customer's country is Finland (FI), the postal code must include five digits.
State and Department - The information can be supplemented when needed.
Country - Select the information from drop-down menu.
Invoicing details
Delivery channel - Select the invoice delivery channel from the options E-invoice, E-mail, Print and Archive. The selection determines mandatory (*) of the other fields. The Print option delivers the invoice via the printing service as letter mail to the recipient, and the Archive delivery sends the invoice only to Archive.
E-invoice address and EDI-ID - Fill in the E-invoice address if the invoices are sent as E-invoices. EDI-ID can also be added, but field is not mandatory.
E-invoice operator - Select the operator information provided by the customer from the drop-down menu.
Other operator address - If the operator information you use cannot be found in the menu, you can enter it manually in the Other operator address field.
Invoice reception e-mail address - Enter the e-mail address to which the invoice is to be sent in the field.
Language - Select the invoice language (Finnish, English, Swedish). The invoice is sent to the customer in the selected invoicing language. The language options must be enabled in the settings in order for them to become selectable. (Settings - General settings - Invoice tab - Invoice language - Other invoice languages)
Invoicing currency - The default currency used for invoices can be selected for the customer.
If the country is Finland and the invoice delivery channel is e-invoice, the Fetch data from TIEKE button will be activated. Pressing this button will retrieve the e-invoice address specified for the customer from the e-invoice address list of TIEKE.
If there is more than one e-invoice address for a customer in the TIEKE register, a selection form will open.
The information displayed is the name of the E-invoice operator, the E-invoicing address and the date and time of the data editing. When selecting the correct address, we recommend that you always select the address instructed by the customer and if there are no instructions, it is always best to verify the information with the invoice recipient.
If the customer has a PEPPOL address defined in TIEKE, this is also correctly fetched.
If PEPPOL (in capital letters) is entered in the Other operator field, a reminder to activate Peppol connections via Heeros Support will appear.
Payment details
Method of Payment - You can choose Invoice or Cash as the payment method.
Bank account - Select the bank account to be included on the invoice for the customer.
Payment terms - You can specify the payment terms applicable to the customer. Select the payment term from the drop-down menu. Note! The payment term to be used must first be established in the Registers - Payment Terms view.
Late payment interest - Add the customer-specific late payment interest rate to the field.
Reference number - It is possible to define a customer-specific fixed payment reference number. Customer-specific payment reference number overwrites the reference number generated by the reference number counter. Please note that the reference number must comply with the standard. A Finnish reference number is an integer consisting of 4-20 digits. An international reference number starts with the RF prefix and is 8-24 characters long. The last digit of the reference number is a check digit, which reveals one typing error. If there are multiple typing errors, they may result in the same check digit, and the error cannot be programmatically detected. Therefore, the Federation of Finnish Financial Services recommends using as short reference numbers as possible.
Contact details
Name, Title, Phone, Email - these fields are used to provide the company's contact information.
Additional details
General tab
Additional name and Sales responsible - Information can be provided if desired.
Customer group - Select from the drop-down menu. Customer groups must first be established in the general settings to be available for selection (Settings - General Settings - Invoice tab).
Restrictions - options such as Delivery Block, Dunning Block, Reminder Block can be selected from the drop-down menu.
Purchase & Delivery tab
Purchase order number, Contract number, and Terms of delivery - Customer-specific information can be provided if desired.
Descriptions tab
Invoice description, Additional invoice description - The Additional invoice description field can be utilized in cases where the invoice remark varies by customer. NOTE! The Finvoice file contains character restrictions for the description fields. The maximum character limit for the Additional invoice description field is 80 characters, so longer remarks should always be written in the Invoice description field (maximum character limit 512).
Accounts & VAT tab
Sales account, Receivable account, and VAT rate - Customer-specific accounts and VAT rates can be specified.
Message tab
Message - The feature is not yet in use.
Accounting objects tab
The fields can be customized to select default accounting objects used on a customer-specific basis. Accounting objects must first be defined in Registers - Accounting objects and enabled in Settings - General Settings - Invoice tab - Accounting objects sections.