Travel invoice handling in Heeros Mobile
Travel invoices view
Travel invoice creation in Heeros Mobile
Travel invoice draft
Travel invoice approval in Heeros Mobile
Approving the travel invoice
Returning the travel invoice
Travel invoices view
Travel invoices view shows you your own travel invoices as well as the travel invoices waiting for your approval.
The "Handling" summary shows the number and total amount of travel invoices that are in the workflow's approval process. The "Approved" summary shows the number and total amount of the travel invoices that have been approved in the workflow.
Invoices listed as waiting for approval enable you to start the approval of the travel invoices. Read about the approval actions in Travel invoice approval in Heeros Mobile.
It is possible to view the invoice details by first selecting 'Show invoices'. The list of invoices opens. Invoices in "My invoices" are the invoices that you have created. You can see their status in handling (either draft or in approval process) or as processed, which means that the invoices has been approved.
If you are an approver in the travel invoice workflow, you see the invoices waiting for your actions in "In approval". A specific travel invoice can be opened in details view by selecting it from the list.
Travel invoice creation in Heeros Mobile
You can create a new travel invoice on any of the views in Mobile by clicking the plus icon and selecting "New travel invoice".
Start the travel invoice creation by determining the destination of the travel. Next, input the travel duration. The daily allowances salary type will be calculated automatically from the input travel time.
Note! Duration of the travel is mandatory information! If you wish to create a travel invoice without daily allowances applied then determine anything between 1 minute and 6 hours as the travel time, and only possible kilometre expenses or other expenses will be created on the travel invoice.
If applicable to your travel invoice, input the number of free meals of your travel days. Daily allowance compensation will be calculated respectively.
Next you can input the total kilometres of your travel, as well as other expenses such as public transportation tickets or parking costs. Input the kilometres with mandatory route information, and upload the other expense attachments, after which scroll down to input the other expense sum and salary type and account, if options available
Next complete the travel invoice information with cost object information and approval cycle information. You can also add a comment on the travel invoice with additional information for the approver.
A summary of the travel invoice is presented. In order to create the travel invoice select "Done".
Travel invoice is created.
Travel invoice draft
In order to save a travel invoice as a draft - if there is something you need to prepare before sending the travel invoice for approval - you shall select to save it in approval flow opening phase to yourself as "Invoice opener". Draft invoices are not very clearly identified in your "My invoices" list, but when you open it in detail view, you can use approval functions to circulate it to the approver (read about the functions in Travel invoice approval in Heeros Mobile), or you can choose to edit the draft or to delete it.
Saving the draft: Draft in detail view:
Travel invoice approval in Heeros Mobile
In the travel invoices view, the invoices listed as waiting for approval enable you to start the approval of the travel invoices. Open the travel invoices waiting for approval.
In the approval view you have the invoice header information available, as well as the travel invoice handling options; return of the invoice and approval of the invoice. After you have handled the first travel invoice the next travel invoice comes in turn. You can also move between the travel invoices with the arrows to the sides. You can access the travel invoice details by selecting "Show details".
Approving the travel invoice
To approve the invoice and forward it to the next workflow phase the select the approve icon in the middle. You will be able to see the next workflow phase and responsible person. If there are multiple options, you can select the right one from the drop down. Then approve the invoice by confirming the approval.
By swiping up you can choose quick approval with default options of the next phase and responsible user.
Returning the travel invoice
If you need to return the travel invoice back to the invoice creator, you can do so by clicking the Return icon (arrow). When returning an invoice, you can select the stage and the person if the invoice can be transferred to different phases or to different persons. Click the Return invoice button to accept the return.