Heeros Mobile - basics
How can I get Heeros Mobile to use?
Operating system requirements for Heeros Mobile
Download and installation of Heeros Mobile
Heeros Mobile use requirements
Heeros Mobile user rights
How can I get Heeros Mobile to use?
Downloading the Heeros Mobile app is free and there are no in-app purchases applied. Heeros Mobile use anyhow requires a valid Heeros user account and a contract with Heeros. Full usage of Mobile functionalities requires the use of
- Purchase Invoices and Travel Invoices
- Archive and eReceipt
- Sales Invoices
To get to use Heeros Mobile:
Contact our sales (https://www.heeros.com/en/contact) and ensure taking our sales and purchase invoice automation solutions into use now!
Operating system requirements for Heeros Mobile
Heeros Mobile works on the following operating systems:
- Apple iOS version 13 or newer
- Android version 11 or newer
All functionalities are not necessarily supported with use of older operating systems.
Download and installation of Heeros Mobile
Heeros Mobile is downloaded and installed from the application stores of the respective operating systems:
- iPhone: App Store
- Android: Play store
After downloading Heeros Mobile get familiar with the login to Mobile here.
Heeros Mobile use requirements
In order to use Heeros Mobile the user is required to have own user account in Heeros, and the user's company is to use the respective Heeros applications for enabling the mobile functionalities (Archive and eReceipt, Purchase and Travel Invoices, and Sales Invoices).
For enabling the mobile use of purchase and travel invoices, the company settings have to have the use of VAT codes as well as travel invoice accounts and salary types configured.
Heeros Mobile user rights
Mobile use follows the Heeros user rights. Views and functionalities in Mobile alter depending on the user's rights to Heeros applications.
Read more about Mobile user rights here.