Heeros Mobile - login
Login to Heeros Mobile
Two-factor authentication
Company selection in Heeros Mobile
Logout from Heeros Mobile
Login to Heeros Mobile
Heeros Mobile application is downloadable in the application store of your own mobile phone (Play Store or App Store). The application can be used when use is contracted with Heeros and user has user account at Heeros. There are no costs applied for the download or use of Heeros Mobile for the individual user. The duration of mobile login is 90 days, so password renewal is not required if less than 90 days have passed since the last login.
After downloading the application, do the following:
- Walk through the 5-step app introduction. You can also skip it, if wanted.
- Login to Heeros Mobile
- Type in your user name and password. User name follows the format Name Surname and password is the same as used for Heeros login in browser.
- Select to login
- Define a PIN code for yourself. Input it twice and complete login with Done.
From now own you can use the application by giving the PIN code only. The PIN code will also be used in confirming the payment of purchase invoices in future.
Two-factor authentication
When using the Mobile app, you log in with a PIN code that is valid for 90 days. To renew the PIN code, you need to perform a new login and obtain the authentication code from the authenticator app. However, the authentication code is not required for every login to the mobile app.
If you are using the same device for both Heeros Mobile and authentication, quickly copying the code can be challenging. Here's a tip: Wait for the code to change and then copy it (for example, by long-pressing the code in the Google Authenticator app). Afterward, you can directly paste the code into Heeros Mobile.
Read more about the two-factor authentication here.
Company selection in Heeros Mobile
If you have rights to multiple companies, you can change the company selection from the company menu. Access the company menu from the home view by clicking your name and the current company name. Select the wanted company and return to its home view by clicking Go back on the top left corner.
Logout from Heeros Mobile
Logout is not mandatory after app use, but you can also logout from Heeros Mobile if you want. At logout all information stored to the phone memory will be cleared, including the PIN code which you defined for yourself. Thus, at new login you will be asked to define the PIN code again.
To log out:
- Access the company menu from the home view by clicking your name and the current company name
- Select Log out from the bottom. You are logged out from Heeros Mobile and redirected to the login view.