Creating and Paying Cash Payments
Creating a cash payment
Payment information for cash payments
Payment identifier
Editing a cash payment
Receipt of the cash payment
Deleting and canceling a cash payment
The payer of the cash payment is always the customer whose banking software is being used. The customer's name is visible on the bank's homepage, in the blue header. Please note that you can only pay one cash payment at a time.
Creating a cash payment
- Click on Cash Payments selection
- First, the recipient's information is filled in for the cash payment, after which the payment details are provided, and finally, the payment is confirmed.
- Complete the recipient's details for the cash payment and click the Continue option.
- If you are paying to the recipient for the first time, the Creditor account number and Creditor name must be filled in the cash payment lines.
- If the recipient's details are already found in the Heeros Bank registry, meaning this recipient has been paid previously, the recipient's details will automatically fill in for the cash payment. The bank's payment recipient registry is automatically updated every time a payment is made.
Payment information to be entered for cash payments
- Select the payer's account (Debtor account)
- The selectable account numbers are those that are in IBAN format in Purchase Invoices or Heeros Menu.
- If a bank statement is also retrieved from the account in the Purchase Invoices, the balance of the previous bank statement will be shown next to the account number (in green).
When all the necessary information for the cash payment has been completed (creditor account number and name, reference or message, amount, due date, and debtor account), the payment confirmation view will be displayed, where the payment details can be checked.
NOTE! The payment date must be a banking day. So, if you are making payments on a weekend or a holiday, change the payment date to the nearest banking day. If you are making payments for a future date, check that the payment date is a banking day.
NOTE! If necessary, payment information can be modified before payment (Previous button) or the payment can be completely canceled (Discard button). If the payment details appear to be correct, select the Continue button. If the details are correct, the cash payment will be made to the payee using the Pay button.
- Check the cash payment details from the Payment Confirmation view
- Make the cash payment by clicking the Pay button.
Payment identifier
If Heeros Bank does not automatically have access to the payer's payment identifier, the program will ask you to complete it manually, after which you can continue with the payment (Pay option). You can find the bank's payment identifier in the payment agreement made with the bank.
- Complete the missing payment identifier if necessary
The payment identifier may be missing if
- The payer does not have the Purchase Invoices payment method enabled, meaning the payment identifier is missing from the Purchase Invoices settings.
- The payer is not using Purchase Invoices at all.
After making the payment, the user receives a notification that the payment has been sent to the bank.
At the same time, the user is suggested to move either to the bank's homepage, the payment batch list, or to make a new manual payment.
Editing cash payment
Details of the cash payment can be edited when it has not yet been paid.
When you click the Previous button with cash payment, you can edit the provided information.
Receipt for cash payment
In connection with a cash payment, a receipt can be printed for the paid cash payment. The receipt is not an official, accounting-compliant receipt, as it lacks the archiving number from the bank. An official receipt with an archiving number will be implemented in the program later.
The document can be printed in connection with the cash payment after the user has made the cash payment and the payment has been sent to the bank.
Printer icon will open a PDF printout that can either be printed or saved.
The following information can be found on the printout:
- payer's name
- payer's account number
- payee's name
- payee's account number
- payment date
- time of transmission to the bank
- message or reference used in payment
- amount of payment
Deleting and cancelling a cash payment
A cash payment can be removed from Heeros Bank when it has not yet been paid. When you click the Discard button on the cash payment, you remove the cash payment you created.
NOTE! If the cash payment has already been made, meaning the Pay button has been clicked, to cancel the cash payment, you must contact the payer's bank directly.