Settings from File
Steps for File Import
Character Set
If the row is already in the system
Column Order in the import file
Settings from File
The following control data can be imported into Heeros Accounting from a csv file:
- VAT codes
- Voucher types
- Monitoring objects
- Accounts
Data import is always done in the view where information is intended to be brought. For example, if you want to import cost centers from a file, first navigate to the Settings - Monitoring objects view and select the Import dimension objects button from the top right corner of the view.
Instructions related to import can always be found at the bottom of the import view, make sure to familiarize yourself with them carefully before the import and also open the example file found at the bottom of the page.
It is important to consider the following issues from the imported CSV file:
- The file should have column headers on the first row.
- The order of the columns can be freely defined.
- Mandatory columns are indicated in the instructions for each import with an asterisk *. Other columns are optional.
- The data should be saved in comma-separated values (csv) format with a semicolon as the delimiter.
Information on importing a Chart of Accounts to Accounting can also be found in this guide: Accounts. At the end of that guide, you will find a sample Chart of Accounts.
Steps for File Import
- Open your desired maintenance view with the File Import button.
- Choose the Browse button and retrieve the CSV file to be imported from the storage directory.
- Define the data for import (Character set, If Row already found in system, Column orders).
- Select the Load button.
Character Set
Choose the character set to be used during import by selecting the character set from the dropdown list. The selected character set should match the one in which your file is encoded – default is ISO-8859-1.
If the row is already in the system
Choose whether to update the existing data in the accounting or leave the existing data unaltered.
Refresh - update existing information and also create new ones
Skip - does not update existing information but only creates new ones.
Column Order in the Import File
Choose the order in which the data appears in the import file. You can rearrange the information using the Move up and Move down buttons on the right side of the box. Columns that are not present in the import file should be removed from the list using the Delete button.
When you click the Load button, the selected csv file will be imported into the accounting register. A list of successful imports will appear at the top of the screen, along with information about updated, skipped, and erroneous data.
NOTE: Before entering accounting objects, you must name the available calculation levels in the general settings of accounting (Settings - General) on the Postings tab.