Specifications for importing product information
Importing product information into Sales Invoices
Exporting product information from Sales Invoices to Excel
Example file
In the following instructions, you can check the specifications for importing product information. You can see which fields are mandatory for import and how they should be formatted in the CSV file. At the end of the instructions, there is an example file of a product register in CSV format. You can access the example file directly from here.
Here is an example of a product register in Excel.
Specifications for importing product information
Product information can be created in Sales Invoices either by creating each product individually or by importing them directly from Excel. The import file should be saved in CSV format with a comma delimiter.
Excel file saved in CSV format
- The import Excel file should have columns (headers) for the product information
- Column headers need to be in Finnish as in the example file
- The order of the columns can be customized
- The product information is automatically separated by a semicolon (;) in the CSV file when choosing CSV format and the semicolon is selected as the delimiter in Windows.
Supported columns in the Excel file
The mandatory fields in the Excel file are: Koodi (Code), Nimi (Name), ALV (VAT).
Koodi (Code - mandatory) - Product code (one code/one product in the register). If there is already a product with the same code in the register, the row in this file will be ignored. Otherwise, a new product will be created for each row.
Nimi (Name - mandatory) - Product name.
Ryhmä (Category) - Product group (e.g., products, services, components). Groups should be created before importing the file (Settings - General - Registers).
Hinta (Price) - Net price of the product, excluding VAT.
Yksikkö (Unit) - Sales unit (e.g., pcs, dl, l). Units should be created before importing the file (Settings - General - Registers).
ALV (VAT - mandatory) - VAT suggestion for the product. Either a VAT code previously entered in the system or the VAT percentage as a number (e.g., 1 or 25,5).
Myyntitili (Sales account) - Sales account for the product.
Importing product information into Sales Invoices
- Select Products from the left frame by Identifier or Name
- Click the Register maintenance button at the top of the window
- Provide the necessary information for importing the product register
- Click the Send file button -> the selected CSV file will be imported into the Sales Invoices register. After the import, you will receive a list of created and updated products.
Select the CSV file - Click the Browse button and select the CSV file to be imported from the storage directory.
Character set - Select the character set used during the import. Choose the same character set that was used to create your file - default is ISO-8859-1.
If the product already exists - Choose whether to update the existing product information in Sales Invoices or skip the existing ones.
- Update - updates the existing product information in the register and creates new product information
- Skip - does not update the existing product information, only creates new product information.
If the sales account is missing from the settings - Choose whether to create the sales accounts from Excel in Sales Invoices or ignore them.
- Create a new account - creates the sales accounts from Excel in Sales Invoices
- Skip - does not create the sales accounts from Excel in Sales Invoices. When using the Skip option, the sales accounts need to be created manually in Settings - Accounts.
Exporting product information from Sales Invoices to Excel
Product information can be downloaded in CSV format to your workstation.
- Click the Register maintenance button at the top of the Products view
- Select Download file from the bottom of the window and save it to your desired destination folder
- You can also import the file into Excel (data import), make changes, save it, and then import it back into Sales Invoices following the instructions for Importing product information into Sales Invoices, updating the old data.
With the file loaded, the column headers will appear as shown in the image below. The headers do not need to be edited to import the file into Sales Invoices.