Purchase Invoices in Link view
In Incomplete view displays the purchase invoices that have already arrived in Link but have not yet been directed to Circulate.
If purchase invoices have been manually processed in the Waiting for users Action view, these processed invoices will also be moved to the In Incomplete view during the execution of the selected action. The invoice will then have a green arrow icon (processed in the Waiting for users Action view).
Completed and processed purchase invoices will finally be moved to the Completed view for review.
Invoices Waiting for Processing in Link
Waiting for users Action view contains the invoices that Heeros Link does not recognize and require manual actions from the processor. Email notifications about invoices waiting for processing are sent to the individuals specified in the settings (Settings - Import Settings - Email Notification for Invoices Waiting for Action). The notification about invoices to be processed is sent once a day.
Invoices waiting for processing can be of four types:
- Purchase invoices not found.
- Invoice creation failed: Unknown supplier.
- Invoice creation failed: Invoice already found in Purchase Invoices.
- Invoice import failed: Invoice already imported in this batch.