Application-specific Settings for Accounts Payable
Purchase invoices - Default Accounts and Document Types
Purchase invoices - Postings
Purchase invoices - User rights
Purchase invoices - Approval Process
Purchase invoices - Notifications
Purchase invoices - Other Settings
Travel Invoices - Default Accounts and Accounting Objects
Travel Invoices - Postings
Travel Invoices - User rights
Travel Invoices - Salary Types
Travel Expenses - Default Salary Types
Before completing the settings for Purchase invoices, the contact person's details, VAT codes, and chart of accounts must be filled in the Common settings. We also recommend adding document types and bank accounts to the common settings.
Purchase invoice settings are transferred only to the Heeros Purchase Invoices application. The settings adapt according to previous choices and are influenced by the following factors:
- Purchase ledger in use - If purchase ledger or travel invoice ledger are selected in the application selection, the settings related to the purchase ledger will also be displayed in the options.
- Travel invoices in use - If travel invoices have been selected in the application selection, the settings for purchase ledger will display Travel invoice settings on its own tab. In Heeros Purchase Invoices, some of these settings are mixed with other settings, but in guided customer setup, all of these are compiled on their own tab.
In the settings for accounts payable, efforts have been made to utilize the default settings as effectively as possible. If you are using the Liikekirjuri chart of accounts and derived model document types, it is very likely that all mandatory settings will be automatically filled in with default settings. However, please check the settings and pay particular attention to the default accounts, document types, and user rights.
Purchase Invoices - Default Accounts and Document Types
In accounts, the default accounts used in the program are selected. The mandatory information varies based on previous settings. The account selection list will include the accounts selected for Purchase Invoices that were previously provided on the Common Settings Registries tab. Similarly, in document types, the default document types are selected, and the list will come from the Document Types section of the Common Settings.
Cash discount, payment, and accrued expenses account are defined only for accounts payable.
Purchase invoices - Postings
In postings, settings related to the accounting entry are selected, and the default description for the invoice posting line is provided.
Accounting Method - By defining the accounting method, you can choose whether to record the invoice line amounts always as gross amounts or to also use net amounts. Gross only – the invoice amounts are always presented as gross (total + VAT total). Gross and net – the invoice amounts can be presented either as gross or net amounts. In net accounting, the invoice amounts are presented as net amounts and value-added tax is calculated on top of the net amount.
Default - when the invoicing method is set to Gross and Net the default value is selected here. That can be changed when posting an invoice.
Save default accounting assignments / Save default accounting items - Default accounting assignments/items are saved by default in the supplier information if the Save option is defined in these fields. With the Save setting, the program offers the most recently used accounting entries/accounting items (cost units) for selection. NOTE! If default accounting assignments have already been saved in the supplier register and it is desired that the information does not change in the supplier register, these settings should be left unselected.
Allow editing lines directly on the invoice - This setting defines whether editing of lines directly on the invoice is allowed or not.
Allow overbooking - This setting defines whether the overbooking on a purchase invoice is allowed. When the setting is enabled, overbookings can be made on the purchase invoice, and there is no longer a need to enter negative postings first. When saving the invoice, the account entries must balance in order for the invoice to be successfully saved.
Default explanation -section generates the default explanation text for the invoice posting. You can add new lines from the Add row button (up to 4) and remove existing ones using the trash icon. Set the order of the values in the sequence you want them to appear on the posting line. Options include: Document type, Document number, Supplier number, Supplier name, Invoice number, and Free text (additional explanation).
Purchase invoices - User Rights
User rights manage posting rights as well as the company-specific main user, basic user, and other access rights related to Heeros Purchase invoices.
Postings permissions - amount, description and account
Amount and Description as well as Account field usage and editing rights can also be restricted if necessary. By default, the rights are always granted to the basic user, but if necessary, rights can be given only to the Main User. In the Account Edit Selections field, it is defined how the account can be processed on the invoice line. The From List option indicates that the account to be used in the accounting can be selected from the drop-down menu. The Free option indicates that any desired account can be freely written in the Account field.
Main user permissions
The rights defined here apply only to company-specific main users (these rights cannot be restricted for own office main users).
Access to delete invoices - Select whether to allow the company-specific main user to delete invoices from Purchase invoices (check/uncheck the box).
Access to transfer invoices to an external system - Select whether the company-specific main user is allowed to transfer invoices to the core system (check the box/uncheck).
Access to change document numbers - Choose whether the company-specific main user is allowed to change document numbers (check the box/uncheck).
Access to reports - Select whether the company-specific main user is allowed to create reports (check the box/uncheck). Note! If access is not granted, the company-specific main user will not see the Reports header at all in the left frame of Purchase Invoices.
Access to settings - Select whether to allow the company-specific main user access to settings (check the box/uncheck). Note! If access is not granted, the company-specific main user will not see the Settings header at all in the left frame of Purchase Invoices.
NOTE! The company-specific main user will never see the Permissions tab in General Settings, even if permissions to the settings have been granted.
Access to Registers - Select whether to allow the company-specific main user access to the registers (check the box/on). Note! If access is not granted, the company-specific main user will not see the Registers heading at all in the left frame of Purchase Invoices.
Access to purchase ledger - Select whether to allow the company-specific main user access to accounts payable and its views (check the box/uncheck).
Access to make manual payments - Select whether the company-specific main user is allowed to make manual payments in Purchase Invoices (check the box/on). NOTE! This right requires the access to purchase ledger and/or travel invoice ledger.
Access to acknowledge and return payment batches - Select whether the company-specific main user is allowed to mark payment batches paid and return the payment batches open (check the box/on or off). This right requires the access to purchase ledger and/or travel invoice ledger.
Access to delete payments - Select whether the company-specific main user is allowed to remove payments from Purchase Invoices (check box/on/off). This right requires the access to purchase ledger and/or travel invoice ledger.
Basic user permissions
Right to create purchase invoices from eReceipts
This option allows the basic user to create purchase invoices from the receipts they have documented. The creation of purchase invoices takes place through the eReceipt web interface.
Other permissions
Reading rights for archived invoices and postings -All basic users who participated in the approval process can be granted reading rights to all invoices and their postings in the Archive.
Reading access for invoices and postings in circulation - All main users participating in the approval process can be granted reading access to the invoice and postings for the entire duration of the invoice's approval process.
If the selection is not activated (the checkmark is missing from the checkbox), the basic user does not have reading permissions for the invoice for the entire approval process, and the basic user will see the invoice only after its processing stage once it has been archived in the Archive. Note! Invoice archiving is only allowed after the transfer to accounting or accounts payable. This setting also automatically adds reading permission for viewing archived invoices and postings in the Archive.
Payment installment approval in use - Choose whether to enable separate payment batch approval before sending the payment for the specified invoices (check the box/on/off). When this setting is turned on, by default, the approval rights are granted to all main users.
Can the approval process allow transferring the invoice to one's own approval - If the same person is assigned to, for example, the Approval and Acceptance stages of the approval process, this setting can influence whether that person can transfer the invoice they have reviewed to themselves for approval. This setting also permits transferring travel expense claims to oneself in the first stage of the approval process.
Purchase invoices - Approval Process
In Onboarding, you can establish approval processes and phase for the processes. By default, we offer the Purchase invoice approval process with its phases. You can modify this process to meet your needs or remove it and create an entirely new one. The approval process is given a name and phases. Each phase is assigned a name and, if necessary, postings are allowed, the compatibility with accounts payable is checked, or editing travel invoices allowed.
You can change the order of the phases in the approval process by dragging the rows into a different order. The phase number will also change accordingly. By default, the first phase of the process is the opening phase and the last phase is the finishing phase. Transitions from one phase to another are formed automatically, allowing you to always move to the next and previous steps.
You can add a completely new approval process by clicking the Add approval process button.
In Onboarding, it is not possible to add users to the approval process, nor to make multi-phase transitions between different phases. These actions must be performed in Heeros Purchase Invoice settings.
Purchase Invoices - Notifications
In Notificiations section you can manage how reminders are sent to users regarding the purchase invoices being processed.
Notify next invoice handler
With the email sending options, you can choose whether to send an email by default to the next invoice handler at different phases of the approval process. Note! The email sending can still be changed on an invoice-by-invoice basis on the invoice form.
First reminder
The main user can remind users about the processing/sending of invoices with reminder settings.
First reminder – "x" business days later - Define how many business days later the first reminder will be sent to the user regarding invoice processing if the invoice has not been processed further.
Write in the Text field the first prompt to the user to process the invoice. This message will be automatically sent to the invoice processor after the number of business days defined in the previous field.
Additional reminders – "x" business days from the previous one - Define how many business days from the previous reminder a follow-up reminder regarding invoice processing will be sent to the user if the invoice has still not been processed. Write the text in the Text field that will be the next prompt sent to the user to process the invoice. This message will be automatically sent to the invoice processor after the number of business days specified in the previous field, calculated from the first reminder.
Accounts Payable - Other Settings
Other settings include the configuration related to supplier numbering, default starting view selection, mass transfer settings, and the archiving settings for postings.
Supplier codes - When new suppliers are created for Purchase Invoices, a default identifier for the supplier can be defined in the settings for Purchase Invoices.
- Lowest available – the setting always offers the smallest available number to a new supplier (provides the numbers that have been skipped).
- Auto increment – the setting always provides the next largest available number to a new supplier.
- Includes letters (no automatic numbering) – the setting allows the supplier ID to also include letters.
Default view - The default view determines which view the Purchase Invoices will always open to when logging into the service. This setting is application-specific, not user-specific.
Use the mass invoice transfer - The mass transfer of invoices allows multiple invoices in the approval process to be forwarded without having to open each invoice individually. For example, rent payments are often transferred in bulk in the approval process.
Archive postings selection also transfers the accounting entry information to the Archive along with the invoice.
Travel Invoices - Default Accounts and Document Types
In the default accounts and document types for travel expenses, the default accounts and document types related to travel expenses are selected. Note that the travel invoice ledger uses the same payment accounts and document types as the purchase ledger.
Travel Invoices - Postings
In the Postings section, you can set a default description for the travel invoice line.
Default section generates the default description for the travel invoice posting. You can add new rows using the Add Row button (maximum of 4) and remove existing ones with the trash icon. Specify the order of the values in the sequence you want them to appear on the posting line. Available options are: Document type, Document number, Passenger's name, Travel invoice date, and Free text (additional explanation).
Travel Invoices - User rights
The user rights include additional access rights related to travel invoices.
Allow main user access to travel invoice ledger (only Travel Expense Ledger-Purchase Invoices) - Choose whether to permit access to the travel invoice ledger for the company-specific (not office-level) main user (check box in/out).
Allow the user to access their own travel invoice - For a basic user can be defined whether they can see their own travel invoices throughout the entire approval process in Purchase invoices and archived in the Archive.
Travel Invoices - Salary types
You can import salary types as a CSV file or manually enter them one by one in the Add / Edit manually section. CSV import works similarly to the common settings registers. You can import the file either by dragging it into the window or by uploading it using the Upload File button. A sample file can be found here.
Travel Invoices - Default salary types
Default salary types are intended to be identified automatically. Please check the information and complete it as necessary.