Application-Specific Accounting Settings
Accounting Periods
Default Settings
The accounting settings are exported only to the Heeros Accounting application. The settings adapt according to previous selections and are influenced by the following factors:
- Tax-free customer - If the customer is marked as tax-free in the basic information, VAT information or tax account information will not be displayed in the Accounting settings.
- Selected applications - Especially the selection of Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable affects what information can be selected in the Accounting settings. This aims to ensure that the requested information is meaningful in relation to the selected applications.
- VAT codes, accounts, and document types provided in common settings for applications - In the Accounting settings, VAT codes, accounts, or document types must be selected from a dropdown menu in several places. A list from the common settings registers will be brought into these.
Mandatory information in the Accounting settings includes fiscal periods, locking, VAT settings* and some default settings.
*This information is not mandatory if the customer is marked as tax-exempt in the basic information
In the Registers panel, the user can select a Joint Chart of Accounts, Joint VAT Codes, and/or Joint TiTo Rules for the customer. All companies in the same Menu that have accounting enabled will be displayed in the dropdown menu. We recommend using model companies as a basis for common data.
Note! If accounts payable and accounts receivable are not set up for the customer and you want to use a common chart of accounts and/or VAT codes, they can be left blank in the common settings of the applications.
Joint chart of accounts -field specifies which model company's chart of accounts is used for the respective company. If nothing is specified in the field, only the company's own accounts will be used. When entering transactions, the program first checks whether an account has been created in the company's own accounts and only then retrieves information from the joint chart of accounts.
Joint VAT Codes -field defines which model company's value added tax codes are used for the specific company. If no codes are defined in the field, the company's own VAT codes will be used. Unlike accounts, VAT codes are used either from the template company or they are all established in the own company's VAT codes. If common VAT codes have been defined for use, the program does not consider any possible own VAT codes at all.
Joint TiTo rules -field defines which model company's bank statement rules are used by the company in question. If no value is specified in the field, the company's own bank statement rules will be used. Unlike accounts, bank statement rules are either used from the model company or all necessary bank statement rules are established in the company's own bank statement rules.
Accounting Periods
Adding accounting periods is mandatory information. You can add one or more accounting periods to the registry at once as needed.
Add an accounting period by entering the financial year, description, and start date. Check the end date and modify it if necessary. The program will automatically suggest the year for the length of the financial period. Then choose what kinds of periods you want to establish for the financial period. You can select according to months, VAT reporting period, or just one period for the length of the financial year. In onboarding, periods are not created separately but are established directly to Accounting according to this selection.
Add a new accounting period from the Add row button, and if necessary, you can delete the row's information using the trash icon.
The locking includes the Accounting lock, as well as, if necessary, the lock dates for Sales ledger and Purchase ledger.
The locking date prevents the posting of entries to the locking date and any earlier dates. For example, if the locking date is 31.12.2018, you cannot post entries for the accounting period from 1.1.2018 to 31.12.2018.
Transfers from Sales Invoices and Purchase Invoices take into account the Sales Ledger Sales Invoices and Accounts Payable Purchase Invoices lock dates.
Default Settings
In the default settings, it is mandatory to select the main categories of the Archive for accounting reports and income tax returns. Please check the other default settings carefully and correct them if necessary.
Archive's section for periodic tax calculation reports -setting defines the main category of the Archive under which all reports from the accounting are recorded in the subcategories, if the printing of the report has selected "copy to Archive and print pdf report." The setting thus applies not only to attachments generated in VAT accounting but also to income statements, balance sheets, ledgers, journal entries, accounts receivable reports, and the archiving of bank statements.
Section of Archive for income tax returns -setting determines into which main category of the Archive the tax returns are stored in connection with dispatch or mark as sent.
Contra account proposal settings define where to fetch the counteraccount proposal in the transaction entry from. If both options (From Account and According to Document Type) are selected in the settings, the counteraccount proposal is first fetched from the account and then, if there is no counteraccount available for the account, from the document type.
Default period settings define the default period for the Events - Open view.
Automatic TiTo -setting allows you to define how Heeros Accounting processes bank statements.
- With the "Not in Use" option, the program does not direct the bank statement to accounting at all.
- With the "Automatic Tito" option, the program imports the bank statement retrieved by Heeros Link into accounting and makes accounting entries based on bank statement specifications automatically.
- With the "Manual" option, the program imports the bank statement into accounting, but does not make automated entries from the transactions. The user can separately initiate the accounting of the bank statement. In both options (Automatic Tito and Manual), the user can edit the entries made by the program.
Copy Description - setting suggests the same description text for transactions that have the same voucher.
Sum proposal setting defines whether to suggest an amount in the journal entry input for the next export line that balances the transaction.
The general settings do not contain mandatory information, but please review the default settings carefully and change them if necessary.
Periodicity account field defines to which account the amount to be accrued is recorded in the balance sheet. If you have chosen to use a common chart of accounts, in this field you can either select an account from the chart of accounts you created in the Common settings section or enter the account number from the common chart of accounts. If you enter the account number from the common chart of accounts, please ensure that the account exists in the chart of accounts.
Accounting Level settings can influence whether the next lower or upper-level transaction opens in the bank statement postings when clicking the Next button.
- Highest: the next button takes you to the next upper-level transaction in the bank statement.
- Lowest: the next button causes the program to find the next bank statement transaction, checks if it is multi-level, and navigates to the first transaction at the lowest level of that transaction.
Receipt numbering settings can influence when the program suggests the next document number.
- Automatic: when the voucher matches, the program automatically suggests the next voucher number for the next entry.
- Manual: the program suggests the same voucher number as long as the user either changes the voucher type or adds a + (plus) sign in the Doc Type field.
Invoice account in Use - setting determines whether the invoice ledger field opens automatically when entering a general ledger transaction for an invoice ledger type account.
Calculate account balance -the program displays the balance of the accounting account entered in the transaction entry below the Amount field. The balance corresponds to the given document date. The balance also takes into account any export that has already been entered, if the posting amount has already been entered in the Amount field.
Allow entries only for the selected period – setting can prevent transactions from being posted to voucher dates that do not correspond to the selected period.
Accounting company name and business ID -contact fields bring the information to the General Settings Contacts tab. This information is also reflected in the generated financial statement.
In the interfaces, the settings for data imports from Purchase Invoices and Sales Invoices are defined. Carefully check the default settings and modify them if necessary. This section is displayed only if Purchase Invoices and/or Sales Invoices are also being set up for the customer.
VAT - selection By Material takes into account the VAT code included in the material, meaning that VAT is calculated based on the VAT code of each transaction. With the Count option, the VAT code of the transaction involved in the transfer is not considered; instead, the VAT code behind that account in the accounting is checked, and the final VAT is calculated according to the VAT code of the account.
Compilation - With the option No compilation the program generates entries in Heeros Accounting as they are in Purchase Invoices or Sales Invoices, meaning that each posting or accounting document will have its own export to the accounting as well. With the option By Invoice, the program creates summary entries by invoice/material; if there are entries on the same invoice/material for the same account and the same accounting object, these entries are combined into a single export line in the accounting.
Dimension creation- Check dimensions - By selecting this option, the program checks that the cost units and other accounting objects present in the data must be established in Heeros Accounting prior to transfer. If you try to transfer transactions from Purchase Invoices or Sales Invoices that use an accounting object not found in Heeros Accounting, a notification "Selected accounting object not found" will appear on the transfer report and the transfer will not be successful until the specific accounting object has been established in the accounting or a different accounting object has been swapped for the invoice in Purchase Invoices.
Create dimensions – By selecting this option, the program will establish the missing cost units and other accounting objects in Heeros Accounting. The identifier used will be the identifier present in the data.