Invoice validation
Transferring invoice to next system after validation
To validate an invoice, the user is expected to open an invoice in Pending validation status. The user validates the analyzed data, and if data is missing or incorrect, The information should be corrected and missing information added.
Administration details
The first invoice section is the payer company information, as well as the fixed fields for invoice entry date and status.
Administration - The name of the invoice receiver company
Received - The date the invoice was imported.
Status - Invoice status in Purchase Invoices capture and posting solution.
- Pending validation. These invoices are waiting for actions.
- Failed. These invoices are failed in some way. Fail can be in the analysis or in the transfer. Open the failed invoices to see the list, the reason for failing is shown with the other invoice data.
- Transfer completed. Invoices that have been handled and transferred successfully to workflow or external integrated system.
If administration has not been successfully defined in invoice import, the selection is to be made as the first action. Administrations are available in accordance with user’s rights. Selecting the administration will open other invoice sections, starts supplier matching and supplier’s default posting.
If invoice has come to the wrong administration through being sent to wrong receiving email address, it is possible to change the administration. Changing the administration will reset supplier matching and soon also supplier’s default posting.
Invoice approval details
The next section is invoice approval details. Here is made the selection of the approval flow, phase and user, in order to send the invoice directly to other phases of the approval process after invoice opening.
Approval information is automatically saved for the supplier, so next invoice arriving from the same supplier will suggest same approval details as preset values. Suggested details can be changed and changes are saved for the next invoice.
In order to clear the preset values completely, clear first the workflow field and phase and approver information will be cleared at the same time.
Defining any workflow, phase or approver information is not mandatory. If no selection is made in the validation, the invoice is transferred to workflow as a new invoice.
The absence deputy functionality now also works for invoices processed using the invoice form in the Purchase Invoice Capture and Posting solution. That is, if a person is selected as absent in the Purchase Invoices Workflow settings, the processed invoice will be transferred to the selected alternate person when saving to approval process.
Supplier details
The following section is the supplier information which includes all supplier specific information.
Number - Supplier number in supplier register. The number is shown, is the supplier has been recognized and found in register. Otherwise the field is left empty.
Name - Supplier name. Name is mandatory and it is filled automatically either from the electronic invoice data or from the invoice analysis.
Business ID - Supplier Business ID. Business ID is mandatory and it is filled automatically either from the electronic invoice data or from the invoice analysis.
Country - Supplier's country. Country is mandatory and it is filled automatically from supplier register for existing suppliers. If the supplier is new, the country information needs to be added.
Account - Supplier's bank account. Bank account is mandatory and it is filled automatically either from the e-invoice data or from the invoice analysis.
BIC/Swift - Supplier's bank's BIC/Swift code.
Supplier matching against register
After successful analysis, the supplier information is matched against the master register with the VAT number.
- If a supplier from register is matched, it is selected to the invoice and the label indicates the supplier number in register
If two or more suppliers from the register are found with the same VAT id, additional comparison is done to match the analyzed bank account against these found suppliers bank accounts
- If unique match is found, the supplier is selected to the invoice
- If unique match is not found, selection is not done
- If no match is found, analyzed data VAT id and name are given in the fields, and the label indicates that possibly new supplier is to be created
New supplier handling
When no existing supplier has been able to be matched and New supplier is indicated on the label, also strong indication of non-successful matching is missing supplier’s country value.
In such case, the user can
- look for existing supplier in the list by removing analysis value and searching supplier either from fields Business ID or Name lists. The list can be filtered by supplier name, and even by part of the name.
- create a new supplier by adding supplier country information, and possible adjustments to the analyzed data. The info label indicates what is to happen in the transfer to workflow – supplier data in register is updated accordingly.
- When a new supplier is created in the register, a comment is added on the invoice in workflow to inform about new supplier being created in the register. Please see Invoice in workflow after validation for more info.
- New supplier creation in invoice validation does not require company main user to be granted with user rights to registers.
Updating existing supplier
When a selected supplier’s name or VAT id is edited, the info label indicates what is to happen in the workflow transfer when confirming the validation – supplier data in register is updated accordingly.
Supplier's default payment term
If default payment term is defined for the supplier in register, the payment term will be applied to the invoice when transferred to workflow. Please see Invoice in workflow after validation for more info.
Supplier bank account handling
If the bank account should be changed, the user can select available bank accounts from the register in the list, or type in the new bank account. Text analysis suggestion lists also the bank account numbers recognized in the invoice.
If the analyzed bank account is a new bank account for the supplier, a comment is added on the invoice in workflow to inform about new bank account being added to the supplier in the register. Please see Invoice in workflow after validation for more info.
Re-selecting supplier
If a wrong supplier is selected to the invoice, it can be deselected with the icon Empty fields.
The icon is located next to the supplier info text. This deletes the supplier information from the invoice. It does not empty possible input of fields as a New supplier.
Invoice details
The following section is the invoice header information. Information shown in the section have been gathered either from invoice data or from the invoice analysis.
Invoice number - Invoice number picked from invoice data or analysis. Invoice number is mandatory.
Invoice date - Invoice date picked from invoice data or analysis. Invoice date is mandatory.
Due date - Due date picked from invoice data or analysis. If the Due date field is empty, the date can be added with the buttons above the field. Due date is mandatory.
0 - Due date is the same as invoice date.
+14 - Due date is calculated 14 days forward from the invoice date.
+30 - Due date is calculated 30 days forward from the invoice date.
# - You can input the number of days and the due date will be calculated from the invoice date. The number of days has to be between 0-365 days. Input the number of days to #-field, the new due date is calculated based on the input days.
Reference number - Reference number picked from invoice data or analysis.
Message - Message for paying the invoice. Either Reference number or Message is mandatory. The payment message will be mapped when found in the InvoiceDetails/InvoiceFreeText element of an electronic invoice.
Note date - Invoice date for accounting. If the invoice needs to bee booked in accounting to another month than the actual invoice date suggests, Note date can be added.
Order number - Order number, or other allocation data that the field is used for. The order number will be mapped when found in the InvoiceDetails/OrderIdentifier element of an electronic invoice.
Your reference - Buyer reference on the invoice, or other allocation data that the field is used for. Your reference value, when found, is mapped primarily from the BuyerContactPersonName element of an electronic invoice, and secondarily from the BuyerReferenceIdentifier element.
Comment - Internal comments for user to add. Comments are transferred to workflow.
Direct debit - Marking invoice as direct debit. Direct debit can be selected on single invoice or it can be defined as default for desired supplier's information (Registers - Suppliers), after which the supplier's invoices are marked as direct debit automatically in the invoice entry.
Currency - Currency picked from invoice data or analysis. Currency is mandatory.
NOTE! The exchange rate is updated for the purchase invoice when the invoice is saved for the first time in the workflow of Purchase Invoices.
Total - Invoice total sum from invoice data or analysis. Total sum is mandatory.
Transferring invoice to next system after validation
After the invoice and it's details are checked, the invoice can be posted or transferred to workflow or integrated external system.
Read more about posting on next chapter.
You can transfer the invoice by clicking the Mark validated button at the bottom of the page.
Validation is not possible if some of the mandatory invoice header information is missing, if any posting line is missing account, or if invoice sum is not fully allocated to created posting. If necessary, control this information.
Read more about postings here.