Invoice entry to Capture and Posting solution
The most efficient handling of invoices
Other supported handling of invoices entered by email
Not supported entry and handling cases
The solution supports entry of invoices through receiver specific email, as well as electronic invoices.
Invoice entry by email
Receiver specific emails for entering the invoices to the solution will be created for the companies in the implementation project of Purchase Invoices. It is the customer's/supplier's responsibility to use the correct email address when sending purchase invoices to the solution. The email does not require any other identification information than the defined email address.
Invoice is sent as an attachment, in supported format of PDF, .jpeg, .jpg, .png (image file height has to exceed over 100px). If multiple attachments will be included in one email, the attachments have to be unique in naming.
The attachment of a correct format is analyzed automatically at the entry and invoice's data is captured. Based on the captured data a supplier is matched to the invoice from the register and possible supplier default data, such as default posting, is enriched to the invoice.
The most efficient handling of invoices
1 PDF, JPEG, or PNG invoice per 1 email
- Invoice will be analyzed, validated and posted without additional handling actions
1 PDF, JPEG, or PNG invoice and other file format attachments per 1 email
- Invoice will be analyzed, validated and posted without additional handling actions – attachments can be viewed and they will follow the invoice when transferring to the next system.
1 PDF of invoice and its attachments per 1 email
- Invoice will be analyzed, validated and posted without additional handling actions. In validation of invoice total sum extra caution is recommended, as the analysis is prone to look for the total sum from the last page of the file, which possibly is an attachment page.
Other supported handling of invoices entered by email
1 PDF with multiple invoices
- To complete the handling of all included invoices, user should use the splitting tool to split PDF pages in invoice handling. Please note, that the page order cannot be changed, so the invoice pages need to be in correct order for the splitting tool to work correctly.
Multiple PDF, JPEG, or PNG invoices per 1 email
- To complete the handling of all included invoices, user should split the attachments to individual invoices during the invoice handling.
PDF, JPEG, or PNG invoice and 1 or more PDF, JPEG, or PNG attachment/s per 1 email
- With multiple supported file types, it may occur, that an attachment file gets selected as the actual invoice in the invoice entry. If that happens, the user should change the correct attachment as the actual invoice.
PDF, JPEG, or PNG invoice image bigger size than 10MB
- Due to performance limitations invoice files of size bigger than 10MB cannot not be analyzed. These can be handled manually.
Electronic invoices
Electronic invoices routing is possible to the capture and posting module instead of Heeros Link. Electronic invoices' data is not captured at entry, but invoices can be included into an unified process of easy posting and circulation of all received purchase invoices.
Based on the electronic invoice data a supplier is matched to the invoice from the register and possible supplier default data, such as default posting, is enriched to the invoice.
When commonly agreed, Heeros will complete the change of routing configuration with OpenText.
Not supported entry and handling cases
Other format invoices
- Analysis for other format invoices than earlier mentioned is not supported. For example, Word and Excel format invoice files in analysis failed status can be downloaded, saved as PDF manually, and sent to the receiving email again in order to guarantee successful transfer. We recommend instructing the invoice sender to send invoices in supported formats.
Invoices and attachments in separate emails, although they would belong together
- Combining files from two created invoices is not supported. Invoices can only be split, not combined. The user is recommended to validate the invoice, download the attachments, and then upload the attachments to the invoice in workflow.