Functions and views
Invoice list view
Invoice validation and posting view
Control icons
Original email
Audit trail
Copy invoice
Invoice list view
After login, the Invoice List view opens and all invoices in the system are shown in accordance with the user’s user rights. Invoice list can be filtered and individual invoices are viewed in invoice validation view.
The left side of the list view shows the available filters and the search box.
Search - Free text search by supplier name, supplier VAT id, and invoice number.
- NOTE! The free text search is case sensitive. E.g. ‘Financial’ gives result invoices, where ‘financial’ not.
Status - Statuses and invoice amounts per status. Filtering by handling status
- Pending validation. Action expected from the user: Invoices that have been analyzed and are ready for being validated
- Failed. Action expected from the user: Handling of invoices that have had failed analysis or transfer after validation
- Transfer completed. Invoices that have been validated and successfully transferred to workflow. No actions needed.
Administration - Filtering by administrations.
- List shows all administrations that have been created to Purchase Invoices and the user has access to.
- On the top of the list there might be shown Unknown, which means that the supplier on the invoice is not recognized.
Selecting a filter lists invoices applied by the filter and data columns are shown. Clicking an invoice in list opens the invoice view.
If you need to copy information from the list view, please make selection by holding Ctrl+y. This selection allows copying and pasting data to e.g. Excel.
Invoice validation and posting view
After opening an invoice by clicking an invoice row in Invoice List view, the invoice opens.
In the invoice view, the analyzed invoice image is shown on the left side. Invoice attachments, original email and other functions are on the upper right corner of the invoice. The invoice handling actions are situated in the lower bar to the right next to the invoice validation button.
Control icons
Invoice image and attachment functions
Open invoice image in a separate window
Open the list of attachments
Open the original email (not on electronic invoices)
Zoom the invoice image
Invoice handling functions
You can close the invoice by clicking the close button in the lower left corner.
The following functions can be found in the More actions bar in the lower right corner:
Delete. The button deletes the invoice from the capture and posting solution.
Save. The button saves the changes made to the invoice form.
Audit trail. The button shows the audit trail of the invoice.
Copy invoice. The function creates a copy of the purchase invoice.
Mark validated Marks the invoice as validated and saves the changes made to the invoice form.
Original email
The original email of the invoice arrived in the receiver specific email opens in a small pop-up window on top of the invoice. The original email presents the actual email message and the information about the email sender, sending time, header and the attachments included in the email. The attachments of the original message can be opened for viewing at the bottom of the pop-up window. Please note that this attachment listing can also name possible email signature attachments that are not imported to the solution as actual attachments (image files with height of under 400px).
The original email text styling affects how the email is presented.
Audit trail
The history of handling the invoice opens in a new tap for inspection. Detailed information about the invoice information changed on the header level or in the posting open up by clicking the wanted row.
If a field is presented with an empty value, it means that the user has emptied a value from a field. Value can have originated from analysis of invoice data or from electronic invoice, but is unnecessary or wrong even.
Copy invoice
Copying of invoices is possible from More actions -menu. Copying the invoice will be possible only when the invoice is being validated or it's been successfully transferred to the purchase ledger. When the invoice is being validated, it can only be copied by the user who has locked the invoice. When it's not possible to copy the invoice, the copy invoice button will be disabled.
First process the invoice to be copied to the point you want, then you can specify how many additional copies of the invoice you want. Also define whether to include the original invoice's attachments and posting in the copies. Copies are created in the background.
Copied invoices have addition _1, _2, _3 etc. in invoice numbering depending the amount of copies to differentiate them from the original invoice.