Applications tab allows you to select the applications available for the company. Applications are selected by clicking on the application box. Any additional features can be activated after selecting the application from each application's slide switches.
In the selection of applications, the interdependencies between applications have been taken into account so that the customer cannot leave out applications that are dependent on each other.
Purchase Invoices - Workflow and accounts payable - The basic selection for purchase invoices is Purchase Invoices - Workflow, and as additional features, you can choose to enable purchase ledger, travel invoices and payment of travel invoices. Purchase Invoices also require the selection of the Archive. If you also select Accounting for the customer, the accounts payable for Purchase Invoices will automatically be enabled as an additional feature.
Purchase Invoices - Capture and posting - The Capture and posting solution will be available for new customers at those accounting offices where the application is in use. Upon establishment, an email address for receiving invoices is automatically created for the customer based on the company's name (recipient-specific email address). The created email address will be communicated in the confirmation email of the customer establishment.
Accounting - As an additional feature for Accounting, you can choose to enable Accounting++ features. Accounting also requires the selection of the Archive.
Sales Invoices - The basic selection for sales invoices is Sales Invoices - Invoicing, and as an additional feature, you can choose to enable sales ledger. Sales Invoices also require the selection of the Archive. If you also select Accounting for the customer, the accounts receivable for Sales Invoices will automatically be enabled as an additional feature.
Heeros Bank - There are no selectable additional features in Heeros Bank. Heeros Bank can be activated without other Heeros applications.
Heeros Mobile - There are no selectable additional features in Heeros Mobile. The use of Mobile requires at least the selection of the Archive. Using Mobile for travel expense reports requires the selection of Purchase Invoices and the selection of travel expenses from additional features.
At the bottom of the tab, you can use the action buttons to go back, save your work so far, and proceed to the next step.
Previous button allows you to go back in the customer establishment process.
Save Draft button allows you to save your work so far and stop creating the customer for now. You can return to the interrupted customer establishment later from the Draft view on the start page.
Next button allows you to proceed to the next step. The button will be activated when all mandatory information on the current tab has been filled in.