Basic Information
Basic Information
Address Information
Saving the data
When creating a customer, the first tab is Basic Information. The fields for mandatory information are marked in red.
Once the mandatory information in the section is filled out, a checkmark will appear next to the section title. In the Categories section, the checkmark is already present, as there is no mandatory information in that section.
Business ID - field is where the company's business ID is entered. If the business ID is entered, the company's VAT number will be automatically generated from it.
VAT Number - field is where the company's VAT number is entered. NOTE! If you have entered the company's business ID in the adjacent field, the VAT number will be automatically generated from it (mandatory unless the tax-free customer box is checked).
Tax-free customer checkbox indicates that the VAT number does not need to be filled in, and VAT information will not be requested in later stages.
Fetch information from YTJ button becomes active when the business ID is entered. By clicking it, the customer's information will be retrieved from the Business Information System and the form will be automatically filled out.
Basic Information
Name - field is where the customer company's name (mandatory) is entered.
Auxiliary business name - field is where the company's auxiliary business name can be entered if desired.
Address Information
Address/Postal Code/City/Phone - fields are where the customer company's address information can be entered if desired.
Email Address - field is where the company's or its contact person's email address is entered (mandatory).
Country - field is where the company's country is selected (mandatory). NOTE! If Finland is selected as the country, the business ID and address are also mandatory information.
Categories - field allows you to select the company's internal category if company categories have been defined for use in the Menu.
Industry - field allows you to write the company's industry.
Company Form - field allows you to fill in the customer's company form.
Saving the data
Once all mandatory information is filled out, the Next button on the main tab will be activated, allowing you to proceed to the next tab. There is no need to save the information separately. The Save Draft button is used if you want to pause the customer creation and save the information entered so far.